It is for single men only. To get in, you have to be a hounder or an assistant (ministerial servant). It is called the Ministerial Training School.
What exactly is this? It is training for hounders and their assistants to become better speakers, hounders, and pioneers. You are given 8 1/2 weeks of intense training, and usually assigned to work for your home congregation, at least for the time being. However, as the need arises, they can shuffle you to any congregation around the country. On rare occasions, you could be assigned a foreign assignment.
What then? They are usually assigned to assist congregations that are experiencing problems. They will serve in one location until another congregation needs them more. Of course, they are responsible for providing their own accomodations while serving other congregations, and usually have to work many hours per week in holding together congregations and shepherding them.
There is a major problem (in fact, several major problems) with joining. First and foremost, if they are keeping you single, however they are doing this, you are rewarding them for fxxxing up your chances of having a relationship with the opposite sex. And, in doing so, you are egging them on in doing that to yet others. For sure, once you go through it, they are going to have no incentive to ever let you marry or even attract the opposite sex. That is reason alone to boycott the whole arrangement.
As if that wasn't enough, it is a lot of extra work for nothing. You will bear the burden of having to move around the country. On top of that, you will bear the burden of responsibility for any congregations that you are not able to hold together and bring back into positive growth. Worse still, you will be doing it under the hounder-hounder in that region. If you fail to do it exactly as he wants, you are in for a nasty hounding which could include being disgracefully sent back home, a more difficult assignment, or more hounding and harassment. If you do follow his instructions to the letter and it fails to work, you are blamed for them having a crappy system.
With all the decay of late, there is a good to excellent chance of getting more than one assignment at any one time. I have seen one congregation discussed on this board where the attendance struggles to get out of the teens. Many others are suffering mass exodus. Just this past week, a poster reported several parents pulling their children out because of the oral sex issue. Some are going to be affected by the NBC report or the fallout therein. Besides, some who are remaining JWs are stepping down as hounders or assistants, and very few are taking their places.
To go along with that, there is an unwritten rule that, when you receive an assignment from the Watchtower Society, you NEVER turn one or more down, for any reason. To do that would be rejecting an assignment from God Himself. So, what happens if you get, in one day, a letter informing you that they need you in Massachusetts and another one informing you that you are needed just as much in Oregon? Both are facing mass exodus, or perhaps one has had meeting attendance in the lower 20s and the other has had all its servant body disfellowshipped for apostasy. This is becoming more common, and they need ministerial training "school(??)" graduates to hold together the congregations so they can keep the illusion of doing well together as long as possible.
Now, would you like to be put between Massachusetts and Oregon? Or, as the need gets even worse, you could be asked to go to more than two locations within one mailing day. Or, even if you only get one at a time, there is the chance that you arrive in Texas just in time to be pulled to Michigan or Arizona on another assignment. I don't think anyone can pull together a congregation and bring it back to growing, especially if the territory is unproductive for embarrassments or people are stepping down for poor leadership. Somehow, this whole arrangement is about to be abused by an organization that is desperate to hold itself together, and the people will be used up and then thrown out.
I don't think it's worth going. Like all the other "schools(??)" and Beth Hell, this training class simply is a waste of time. What you will be doing after is a bigger waste of everyone's time, and you will be dragged on endless assignments. And, with the many congregations that are falling apart, the danger of getting hounded on two simultaneous missions or one closely following the other is getting alarmingly real. Besides, now that they want me to join this wastefest (why else would they want me to stay single with no prospects), I would rather punish them by wasting their resources instead of supplying more.