bastard lol
Field ministry blooper reel:
by Awakened07 12 Replies latest jw friends
More than once, I said, "I'm Dave and this is my friend...." and couldn't come up with my "friend"'s name to save my life. I wasn't even quick-witted enough to just make something up.
Me and my best friend at the time (we were about 14-16 years old), walked to a house, rang the door bell, and waited.
It took awhile, and no-one answered. We were just standing there small talking, and suddenly the door burst open. Both of us just jumped in the air -- and started laughing.
And we could not stop laughing. Imaging, two girls of that age...
I can't remember if it was my turn or not, but I think we someway managed to give away a couple of magazines and walked away. Laughing and really embarrassed.