If so Hello! and how many of you are doing the Christmas Novena? Wife and I started ours on Dec 16th.
Any EXJW Catholic's?
by Wordly Andre 30 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hey Andre!
I am heading in the Catholic direction, tentatively.
I am definitely doing Christmas Mass. (redundant I know)
Cheers, and Merry Christmas.
Wordly Andre
Hello Burn the ships, This past easter there were 27 people in my parish who converted, Some times I go to the RCIA class and speak about my conversion and my JW background, I have met a few EXJW Catholics all very nice people.
I never understood why I would go from having one religion who told me what to believe to another one who would interpret the Bible for me. Sola Scriptura !!
Wordly Andre
I guess thats why Martin Luther felt he had to seperate from the church, but I don't feel that I am being forced to have scripture interpreted for me, as a matter of fact I think that is what people who do not know the catholic religion think about catholics, that by using our Roman Missal we do away with the bible, that is false, if you look at the missal you will see that each mass has bible readings. As well as in our novenas it is instructed to reference different bible scriptures. Honestly I know that there is still a large amount of people on here that are anti-catholic, probably left overs from their JW days, that whole "whore of babylon" thing which was not actually started by JW's but from the Protestant background carried over by JW's. The way I feel about my catholic faith is this, I found a religion that I feel comfortable with, I don't feel like I am in a cult, when I go to mass I feel like I'm in church, I can see ages of christian tradition, my church has a history that goes further back than JW's, mormoms, lutherans, protestants, baptist, and many other commercial churches that I see on TV. I would never try to belittle anyone in their beliefs here, except of those by JW's and only because what I went through in my life going up as one. Catholics have never hurt, me Shunned me, or made me an outcast in my own family.
I am an ex Catholic ex JW and don't know where I am heading.
Sola Scriptura!?
Don't you get me started!
How can you believe in "sola scriptura" when there was no new testament canon in the first century? The Church came before the bible. The new testament canon wasn't decided upon until the 4th century! So for the first few hundred years of Christianity, no one believed in "sola scriptura". That was an invention that came much later!
I went the way of the RCC after leaving JWs. I was brought up Catholic and so it was easy since my family was already Catholic.
It made sense since that's where we got the New Testament to begin with.
Now I'm pretty much agnostic bordering on atheism.
I am Episcopalian (Anglican). Some commedians have referred to our church as "Catholic Lite." Does that count?