winter solstice 22 dec 2007 12:08 a.m. CST

by chickpea 17 Replies latest social family

  • Gregor

    We live just a few miles north of 45 degress latitude. When the sun passes that latitude (the equinox) about Sept 23rd, we are right in the middle between winter and summer. On the Solstice it is our custom to sacrifice a chicken and smear our faces with the grease. We eat the meat and offer up the chickens soul (skin and bones) to the God of Winter. This has been working out well and our days immediately start getting longer.

  • Gopher

    On the Solstice it is our custom to sacrifice a chicken and smear our faces with the grease. We eat the meat and offer up the chickens soul (skin and bones) to the God of Winter. This has been working out well and our days immediately start getting longer.

    Thank you Gregor for your service to the entire Northern Hemisphere!!

  • Cold Creek Swimmer
    Cold Creek Swimmer

    Gregor: ROTFLMAO!!

    Can I join you this year? I'll be home for a change.


  • Gregor

    By all means, Cold! We'll just have to sacfrifice two chickens instead of one. The Lord will be pleased.

    P.S. We usually have our ceremony catered by the local KFC.

  • chickpea

    P.S. We usually have our ceremony catered by the local KFC.

    i am all about the grease, mate!! with a side of bisquits !!

  • Gregor

    Of course, the biscuits, mashed potatoes and gravy are all partaken as emblems. Some sects also have the coleslaw which is not a bad idea.

  • beksbks

    Strange, I've always felt a definite rift in the space time continuum on Sept. 23rd. Something unholy.

  • Gregor

    Yes, the fall equinox can create an opening in the fermament that can allow evil things to slip into the three dimensional world. Wait a minute! it happens to be my birthday!

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