My family beat the shit out of me and I left home, very mixed up, at 15. It sucked, but I hope it's made me a stronger and more compassionate person.
Underage Apostates
by Wordly Andre 13 Replies latest jw friends
wow Andre what a mess your parents made. I just love how JW parents pick a portion of a bible text and try and apply it, case and piont Marjorie you said it right,
I have noticed in my brief life that parents are ever so quick to quote Ephesians 6: 2, 3 ("Honor your mother and father...that it may go well with you..."), but no one ever seems to read the verse immediately following: 'And you, fathers, do not be irritating (or provoking to wrath) your children'. The Bible shows that all relationships are to be founded on a equal footing of mutual love and respect. The only imbalanced relationship is that of God and Jesus toward us. Their love will always be the greater.
Some parents and even any witness for that matter just pick and choice and apply something to you that has nothing to do with what point they want t o punish you with.
I have a wacko family too. My passed away dead father was a hypocrite elder and I had a hysterical demonic mother and they would sometime beat me, dad love the strap. He loved smaking me in the back of the skull all the time and now that I am in my fifties I have skull problems big time, wondered if dad caused it all. And my fanatical mother whose head was always in a book and bible never paid much attention to the reality of life. Can u imagine going to bed every single night since the Society came out with LPs in the 60ties and that is what we had to listen to day and night and night and day. She wore out several sets until the cds were made and wow it was unreal. I quit school as a result of the constant fighting about 1975 and an education was worthless, Mom thought the demonic were everywhere in our home in the bedroom in the basement in the kitchen and living room. It was a nightmare.
They were expert at bribery, oh we will go to the meetings and then go out for dinner or we will go to service and then go out on a picnic or swimming or some other lame thing, and this one we will go out for pancake breakfast before meeting. Oh brother how I lasted as long as I did I will never know and yes it took me 38 years to figure I can do what the hell I want and no one is going to stop me ever again. HInd sight is 20 / 20.
You know what though, I feel pity just pity for all of those people who have devoted their lives to a lost cause.
My mom has been living like a hermit for years only doing the meeting thing and apparently now according to my non witness thank God Aunt tells me my mom has the meeting brought into her home via the sound system. She is a veggie waiting for some great big massive destruction that may or may not come and has completely forgot what real life is all about. Talk about brainwashed and stubbourn that is my mom in a nut shell. And yes dad departed this world in 95 after having been caught up on the bad habits of drinking and smoking again and only it was private but someone knew and that person shared that revelation with me just lately. What a wasted life.
Ah I love my life though and no one will ever ever convince me that the JW have the soul hold on life eternal.
They need to go and get a life.
Orangefatcat has risen from the ashes and soars like a bird now.
hang in gang,
luv ya Ofc.
I hope you are moving on with life, it's hard sometimes to not think about our childhood and how we really didn't have a childhood. You know JW children are not children they are little publishers, you are not allowed to be a child. That's the dangerous part, because if you don't get out young you grow up physically but not mentally or emotionally and are unable to function or find it hard to function as an adult in the real world. I don't want to generalize but I think JW's who grow up in and stay in tend to be very naive about life in general. There are exceptions of course and I do think that anyone can adjust with time. It's just a shame to learn the thing you should have learned as a teenager at age 30.
I'm still trying wrap my mind around this statement....
There is something very, very different about us who were raised 'in' and got out...
Damn..your family sounds gangster as a mofo..i've only seen/heard about that kind of shit happening around here(albeit not widely talked about in the hall),if that had happened to me though,there would be hell to pay..and my mom knew it. I could only take a certain level of abuse before my survival instinct kicked in,and i usually blacked out in a rage,then when i came to..someone besides me was usually hurt..lmao my mom used to think i was possessed,but later found out that all i did was channel all my hatred,and then combine it with adrenaline to get my objective accomplished..whatever that may have been at the time. Sorry to hear about that happening to you and your cousin though,you should have told them that they were the reason you didn't want to go anymore,because if their "God" endorsed what they did to you,then you didn't want to be any part of that.