Is There ANYTHING Good About The Jehovah's Witness Religion?

by minimus 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    All the good things are just the same as you would get from a REAL Christ centered church.

    Nothing UNIQUELY good anyways...

    Prolog - true they would rather die than kill in a war.

    BUT they would rather let a child bleed to death in honor of their stone age Death God.


  • sammielee24
    I can remember being told that my pedophile father wasn't so bad because at least he provided a home and food....................

    Nope-nothing good ....but don't feel too bad Blondie - when my aunt went to her doctor with chronic depression and illnesses and she told him she believed it might be in part with her inability in coming to terms with her father crawling into bed with her as a child - his response was simply 'most fathers do that you know'.

    In other words he was telling her it was normal and therefore her molestation couldn't be the cause of her adult illnesses. This was back in the 60's... what a gem.


  • stillajwexelder

    Free public speaking and reading training in the Theocratic Ministry School

  • stillajwexelder

    Of course one could argue the TMS is not free - it costs one, one's individaulity by becoming part of the Borg Collective

  • R6Laser

    A lot of good things when I was in. There were some sincere and honest people in my congregation. I can honestly say that I had some good friends when I was in. They were always there when asked for help and even when they weren't asked they were always offering their help. Helped me many times. Of course just like any other religion there was a lot of bad things.

  • jimbo


    I got a damn good college education by reading Awake magazines.

    Jimbo (of the college educated class!!!!!)

  • proplog2

    Minimus: Yes! Refusing to be involved in killing is the very essence of Jesus' teachings. But it goes further. JW's have been willing to be executed rather than take up the sword. Just about every beauty pageant contestant declares the need for world peace. Ending war takes a personal decision on the part of everyone. Resources wasted on war could have made the earth a paradise for everyone thousands of years ago. The alternative to NOT fighting is FIGHTING. How many wars have been fought to "end all wars"?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Some of the chicks at the convention were kind of hot. I also knew the restaurants in town that had the best coffee. How do you put a price tag on that kind of education?

  • proplog2


    The threads theme is "Is There ANYTHING Good..."

    I stated the most important Good thing about JW's.

    Yes there is "bad" in all religion. But that wasn't the purpose of this thread.

    Are we supposed to counter all GOOD with "but wait they also do bad"?

    As far as blood transfusions:

    Compare the millions of so-called Christians sacrificed on the battle field with the small number that have died over the admittedly faulty blood transfusion doctrine.

    You save kids from death due to blood loss so they can grow up and die killing others on the battlefield.

    Jesus was unambiguous about the relationship between his disciples and the rest of the world.

    Love your enemies.

    A friend of the world is an enemy of God.

    My Kingdom is no part of the world...if it were my attendants would have fought.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    I know the fruits of the spirit by heart.

    (You know, love joy peace long-suffering kindness goodness faith mildness self-control???)

    Ok, that's what GG what about BG!! Muahahahaha!

    Kerj, just ask my judicial committees; they got the scoop!

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