Why does'nt the WTS give away free books,magazines,and tracts ?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs



    If we are living in ''the last days'',why doesn't the WTS advertise free literature over the internet,newspaper,or radio?

    Why don't they use all the funds they collect from the sale of all the real estate properties and give away free literature since this is ''life saving work?''

  • daniel-p

    Hmm, well I guess it's because they're really corrupt old cronies whothink most people will die at Armageddon anyway.

  • SirNose586

    Doesn't improve the bottom line, that's why!

  • primitivegenius

    lol well they will certainly PRETEND to do just that............ here in the states........... where they DESPERATELY need to keep that religious tax exempt status...............

    so they make the brave sacrifice................. all literature is on a donation basis.................. yet in the third world countries where people could literally be starving............ they make them pay for each and every bit of publications they receive.

    so i call bulls***............. either you truely put god first and rely on him to provide the money needed to keep on publishing....... like you lied to us about in the mid ninteys.............. or dont bother at all. make ALL the stuff free or quit pretending............ you selfish pricks

  • WTWizard

    They need the money to protect pedophiles in the ranks and to silence the victims. Thus, they cannot afford to give away litter-ature. Besides, why waste the paper on such crap?

  • blondie

    Actually since the year 2000, the donation arrangement has been in effect worldwide in the WTS organization. No jw has to "pay" for the publications, just donate. It proved to be a "boon" for them since most families could not afford individual copies of the publications for their children. The money accumulated at the congregation level has diminished since the anonymous way of donating. Some congregations have gotten letters from the WTS telling them that the "donations" received do not match the amount of publications received, and to give more money. If jws ask for donations for the "worldwide work" at the door, they are more likely to keep it than turn it in to the contribution box.

    Blondie (accounts servants wife for 12 years)

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I can confirm Blondie's statement. Here in Canada too, when I was stuck assisting the secretary, the accounts servant and the literature servant, I saw that letter with my own eyes. I thought the nerve of them actually telling the congregation to pony up for something that supposed to be free.

    Mind you, there was alot of waste happening because publishers were ending up bringing back alot of magazines after a few months hoping that others could get rid of them in the street work.

    The PO just made a local needs part and people started cutting back their numbers and the oh so caring Mommy was no longer whining.

  • Sunspot

    Back when I was still in, and before the Donation arrangement was in effect....I has asked this very question. The answer I was given was that the average person does not appreciate anything they are given for free" and do not take it seriously. When they have to shell out money for something---they are more assured that it will be read and taken to heart. (Much like the old issues that we used to find in the laundromats maybe?



  • TopHat

    Actually, Mother takes it from the KH bank account under the name and for Jehovah's good work if the donation does not come forth as expected.

  • Midget-Sasquatch


    Have you actually been the accounts servant at the KH where you say that happened? The WTS actually withrew funds from the Congregation's bank account? Or was it that the congregation had moneys on hand with the WTS themselves and the money was taken from that?

    I can say I've worked directly on the accounts assisting the Accounts servant (I pretty much did the paper work) and I never saw the WTS withdraw the funds from their bank account. They whined and sent a letter telling the BOE that the congregation should "donate" more. Even had the nerve to give the amount they wanted. It was an invoice practically speaking, but they had to wait for cheques to be made out to them (Most of the time they weren't because the congregation was just skirting by as it was).

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