How nice to see so many of you sending me your thoughts and prayers for a Wonderful Christmas and a healthy new Year.
Orangefatcat affectionatley wants the same for all of you. It is nice to see you Craig and RB, Mouthy oh heck all of you, you just warm my heart so much I can't begin to tell you how much it means to me. God bless you one and all. Blondie I hope your health is better in the new year too,
Pec your too much, I just love those cute pictures. Your kindness has been so overwhelming. Barbie Doll sure has one heck of a great guy.
Grace you always make me feel warm inside my heart. You are a great grandma, and I wish you were all mine. but I can't be selfish I must share you with all.
ex nj-jw JK 666 how wonderful you all are. Snoozy and Momz I hope to get to know more of you and thanks for you kind words.
..JWs have no cotton pickin idea of what they are missing. I pity them.
Hopefuly more and more will continue to leave that horrid organzation in the new year.
Merry Christmas to eac and everyone of you.
************************ group hugs all around.**********************