I have these signs all up and down my street. Plus a person I work next too has a display at his desk. Okay, lets face it. Whether you are a Witness, former Witness or never a Witness. One thing is certain by history, Christ was put in to a Pagan holiday to appease the Pagan and Christians in ancient times. To to say, "Put Christ back in Christmas" is ignorant. Christmas is a holiday meant to be molded in to appeasing all religions and history proves it. So we should stop seeing Christmas as a Christian holiday. If anything, put the Yule back in Christmas (Maybe I will make that sign and put in on my lawn). I think we should see Christmas as the holiday to give gifts, put up decorations, eat a good meal with family and friends and screw all religious connections. Anyway, maybe you now accept Christmas as Christ birthday to be antiWitness. Personally, I see it as Yule and enjoy the magical time of year for fun, love and family. So do not put Christ back in Christmas, put all sorts of other religions in to it and let it grow as a melting pot holiday!!!
Put Christ back in Christmas
by free2beme 22 Replies latest jw friends
Was about to post a similar reply to your thread when I read the title.
Lets all just enjoy the coldest darkest time of year with a bit of fun.
(Dont know if ozzieland had pagan festivites for the winter solstice)
If you want more disgusting "Put Christ Back In Christmas" propaganda, check out the album that I just put up in my blog
It's completely retarded, cheesy, and might give you a good laugh. -
I'm atheist but LOVE Christmas. Any holiday that encourages love and unselfishness is fine by me.
We took that orphaned pagan child, wiped off the grime, plunged him in the baptismal font, and he has been reborn as Christian.
Keep Christ in Christ's Mass!
Now scuttle off somewhere and celebrate your Saturnalia or whatever you call it.
Sad emo
Blimey - I saw the thread title and thought you'd gone and got relijun lol!
Happy Winterfest everyone!!!
We took that orphaned pagan child, wiped off the grime, plunged him in the baptismal font, and he has been reborn as Christian.
Keep Christ in Christ's Mass!
Now scuttle off somewhere and celebrate your Saturnalia or whatever you call it.
That is a most condescending, patronizing comment coming from a supposed christian. Isn't there somewhere in the Bible where Jesus said that very thing to the non-believing gentiles? Oh that's right, Jesus actually had a heart and wasn't pretentious & arrogant.
That is a most condescending, patronizing comment coming from a supposed christian.
Hi Eclipse, I am flattered that you hold me to a higher standard as a Christian. That says a lot!
As for being patronizing and arrogant, you take the flipping cake! People in glass houses should not throw stones!
BurnTheShips & eclipse:
You kids play nice now! It's Christmas, after all
Oh all right FD.