Might make the announcement

by 5thGeneration 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5thGeneration

    May make the dreaded announcement to my super righteous, super loyal parents next week that I'm not going anymore.

    Problem is, as you all know, they "really" believe that it's tantamount to my killing their grandchildren.

    Pretty tough decision because I think they kind of get the vibe already!

    We'll see...

  • R.F.

    I hope everything works out for the best.

  • White Dove
    White Dove
    I'm a 5th generation born in, too, and don't envy what you may be about to do. I just know that my parents and grandparents would view my leaving as killing their grandchildren. You're much braver than I. I wish you blessings and peace in doing what you need to do.
  • Open mind
    Open mind
    it's tantamount to my killing their grandchildren.

    So sad. So true.

    Sending you positive thoughts.

    Open Mind

  • Gringa

    3rd Generation here - I remember the day I told my mother - it was the scariest thing I have ever done in my life. I had been wanting to tell her for a couple of years and everytime I thought about it, it made me sick...literally.

    By the time I told her, she, too had a clue. Afterall, I hadn't been going to meetings and to make a long story short, I had a baby out of wedlock (now, that was a scary conversation, too!) But, after it was all said and done, it was the biggest relief to have it out. The monkey was off my back. I lost 50 pounds of emotional weight I had been carrying around and only wished I had done it sooner. The worst part was over and now 25 years later, we all go about our lives, mom/family still trying to "save" me and having hope of everlasting life on paradise earth with her/them and I just let it go in one ear and out the other and change the subject.......

    My thoughts are with you, trust me, the moments leading up to telling them are the worst, it all gets better and better after that. Nothing is as bad as our imagination.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Our thoughts are with you. This must be really hard to do, but it must be done. You'll feel much better afterwards.

  • Maddie

    Its one of the hardest situations to be in and the most difficult decision to face. My thoughts are with you and hopefully it will go better than you fear


  • babygirl75
    they "really" believe that it's tantamount to my killing their grandchildren.

    I was told the same thing when I left. I told them if their god would kill my innocent child, then I wouldn't want to serve him anyway!!!

    I wish you the best!


  • nomoreguilt

    The beatings will continue........Emotional ones that is. Chin up, after all , it is YOUR life. Most importantly, you will be saving your own children the grief that most of us knew in our formative years. Abuse from our peers, teachers, neighbors, work ,etc.

    Be strong and resilient in your resolve!


  • chickpea

    without words.....

    just deeply held empathy

    godspeed you to a place of comfort

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