Of fans, caca, and faithful old Grandma's

by sooner7nc 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sooner7nc

    On Monday morning, I'm going to receive a visit. The visitors will be my sweet mother, who's OK with my views and agrees with many of them, and my Grandmother, a faithful, hardcore J-dub. I haven't been to a meeting in about 4 months. My mom knows this but my G-ma doesn't. To top it off, I've grown a little bit of a beard in the past couple months, Read C-of-C, and have been on this board. To put it mildly, I'm spoiling for a fight, a little nervous about it, but not in the mood to back down. Maybe nothing will happen, I don't really know, but whatever does, I'm willing to face the consequences. I think. Well, I'll let you all know how it turns out on Tuesday. Wish me luck people, I'm afraid I'm going to need it.


  • snowbird
    I don't really know, but whatever does, I'm willing to face the consequences

    You'll do just fine.


  • sooner7nc

    I know I will, with the support I get here

    Thanks a bunch!


  • Open mind
    Open mind


  • mouthy

    I'm spoiling for a fight, I wouldnt advice that love.

    Just enjoy the visit ,be respectful, LOVE EM!!! & keep quite . If you believe pray for em, if you dont show respect for them.... Love never fails.((((HUGS)))

  • nomoreguilt

    Just keep it lighthearted, nothing doctrinal. If they must bring up the jw thing, just tell them you are trying. Anything more than that and granny might just think she's doing you a favor and arrange for a visit from YOU KNOW WHO! lol Take care


  • sooner7nc

    I guess "spoiling for a fight" wasn't completely accurate. I'm not wanting an arguement with my G-ma necessarily, but I'm aware that this will probably get back to the BOE, and as far as they are concerned...well, need I go on? Seriously, I care for my G-ma very much and don't want to do anything to hurt her, but I don't think she's gonna feel as cheery about the whole thing as I do. Thanks for the advice and the good wishes, I appreciate them all very much.


    Alice in Chains-"Brother"

    "You, my friend I will defend

    And if we change, well I'll love you anyway"

    Always thought it sounded cool.

  • babygirl75

    Best of luck to you sooner7nc....

    Just enjoy your family time together. We look forward to hearing how it all turns out.


  • triplestrength

    That sounds like a toughie, hang in there, Its your consience that's important do what's right for you.


    Punching..Let us know how long it takes to knock Grandma out!..Punching..Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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