What JW Beliefs Did You...

by Abandoned 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I always believed that Jehovah wouldn't destroy all the children at Armageddon. It wasn't fair because they didn't have a chance to learn about him and make a choice like their parents did. (This is before I knew that most adults in the world haven't heard of JW's either!) I figured Armageddon survivors would adopt all the children and teach them Jehovah's ways.

    I also believed that if oral sex and masturbation were so horrible that Jehovah was going to destroy people for doing them, then he would have specifically condemned them in the Bible like he did everything else. (Not that I ever do those things of course! ) I was just thinking about the poor, dirty sinners who did!


  • nomoreguilt

    Angels and Demons.

    It seemed like at every assembly there was some poor soul who had been directed by, helped by, lead by, supported by you name it, an angel. personnaly, I never saw any influence of angels, although they are said to be directing"God's People" in these last days. BUNK! I don't know anyone personnaly who was ever directed to a door and that person at the door said "Hey! baptize me , RIGHT NOW!"

    The same goes for demons. I never saw one, no lamps moving, no doors slamming shut, you get the picture. I even challenged satan to prove his existance to me. you would have thought that I would have gotten an answer frm him, don't you????


  • WTWizard

    I never saw what was the big deal about masturbation, oral sex among married couples, and marrying someone that hasn't already been through the hoops given the chance to be taken out from under your feet. And I thought that the no-marriage rule for the resurrected was cruel.

    And, I never saw what the problem with premarital sex was. True, doing it indiscriminately can lead to unwanted pregnancy and disease. But, if you are going to get married, it makes the most sense to try each other out. That is like buying a car without test driving it. No one would do that, unless they only needed the car for parts or were going to fix it up and resell it. Most people will, when they are serious about buying a car, take it on highways and in the city to see how it is going to handle, and whether it is suitable for them or not. Getting married without a test run is no more sensible--in fact, it is even worse since, with a car, if you get a lemon or something that isn't suitable for you, you have the option of selling it or having it taken back as a lemon and replacing it (even with a different make). Marriage, however, is not retractible.

    Then I never saw what they had so much against the sex function in the first place.

  • Steve J
    Steve J

    There are just so many beliefs that I questioned, but was told that maybe it wasn't Jehovah's time for us to know right now...What a cop out!!! And to think that JW's condemn Christendom for telling people who ask similar questions about the Bible that its just one of the mysteries of God.

    The thing that got me though, was the whole subjection thing and why women weren't allowed to speak in the congregations, especially when the early disciples obviously believed that the prophecy at Joel 2 about God's spirit being poured out on men and women was being fulfilled in their day...How on earth can you prophesy if you aren't allowed to speak in the congregation?

    As a Ministerial Servant I was once asked to "council" a sister for being too outspoken and felt such a hypocrite, especially as what she was saying made so much sense.

    The other thing was living forever...Nice idea, agreed, but its just not logical is it? There is nothing in this physical universe that lives forever and as man is part of that universe we have to die. The world's biological ecosystems are designed for the birth, death and decay cycle and would quickly collapse if we were to live forever, but then again maybe its not Jehovah's time to reveal the understanding of how they'd cope to us at the moment. Ha! Ha!

    Steve J

  • shopaholic

    I believed that a ton of non-JWs would make it through Armageddon. I never believed that resurrected people would not marry in the new world. I finally realized that Armageddon would not happen in my lifetime (most people on the planet do not know who of Jehovah or Jehovah Witnesses) but made myself believe that I was part the most important work ever to be done.

    The more I respond to 'JW belief ' type threads, the entire belief system becomes more and more absurd!

  • BIG D
    BIG D

    I saw alot of dirty dealings from the elders when i served, 2 elders were stealing, and i caught them, did not have 2 witnesses, ones son was also stealing and went to jail, ones son as openly gay at bethel, and one they all covered for each other, i saw this as proof ot was not gods organization, and i at the time said , it just needed cleaning, i caught an ms fondling the sisters as they walked by his chair, 6 sisters came to me and complained, his father was an elder and in a jc meeting , his dad told all of the sisters they were making it up.

    that and many other beliefs, like we are the only ones who are right, all hail us type thing, and the non love among the co and do's that i experienced, and the changing of date lines, i stayed because of my parents, as long as i could.

    big d

  • snowbird

    I never believed the Generation of 1914 thingy or the Sheep and Goats explanation. Doing good to Christ's spiritual brothers, indeed!

    Later, I questioned the teaching of Jesus being Michael the Archangel. Why would Jehovah send an angel to do something he apparently failed to do? Didn't make sense.

    In order to hold on to what little sanity I still possessed, I had to get out of there. That's exactly what I did.


  • snowbird

    Oh, great topic, Abandoned. I can't edit for some reason.


  • White Dove
    White Dove
    After suffering a bad marriage, I came to realise that Jehovah really didn't expect anyone to suffer for his reputation needlessly. You know, like stay in a horrible marriage for the sake of the truth. No, I believed that since he was a loving god that he didn't expect me to suffer. It would not be just to expect that. I quit believing that anyone had to be a martyr. Also, if life is sooooo sacred, then saving it at any cost is the logical thing to do. Blood transfusions would be OK and lying to stay alive would be OK, too. Those were contradictions that I found hard to believe: saving your most sacred life with blood will get you eternal distruction??? Ummm...no.
  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Yes exactly! That is the logical thing to have expected. I think the difference between a bad person dying of a heart attack and dying in A is one is devine execution and the other isn't. There is not supposed to be a resurrection of people who died by devine execution. Therefore, only bad guys with heart attacks and such get a resurrection EXCEPT for the unforgivable sin, which the WTS has never EVER clarified.

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