KEYSER SOZE- Hey KEYS, thanks for calling ! Nice take . Yeah I agree with you, the Packers have a chance ( maybe ) to beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl, if you keep Brett Favre healthy and uninjured ! You lose him to injury- forget it. That being said, better get his linemen all roided up to protect him !
In regard to your other comment about the players manning up and admitting to steroid use. Like that will ever happen. First we have to get the owners of Basesball to admit that they winked at this problem and knew about it for probably 20 years back, but because of enormous financial profits they got by allowing players to be steroided up, then maybe the players would admit it. Personally, I feel that major league baseball or the federal government should penalize the owners somehow and make them responsible for allowing steroids to invade baseball . Yeah, like that will ever happen either !
I agree with you about the BCS it sucks not having a playoff ! Good takes Keys, rack him ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper