Sports, JWD, Celebrities Year in review -Mr. Flipper- Host with a Take !

by flipper 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Packers over Patriots in the Super Bowl, handing the Pats their first and only loss of the season. Brett will then retire.

    Still waiting for one Baseball player on the Mitchell report to man up to using steroids. Don't expect it to happen anytime soon.

    It's official now, the BCS sucks. Let's get a playoff, and let the athletes decide which team is number one, instead of a bunch of computer geeks.

  • flipper

    KEYSER SOZE- Hey KEYS, thanks for calling ! Nice take . Yeah I agree with you, the Packers have a chance ( maybe ) to beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl, if you keep Brett Favre healthy and uninjured ! You lose him to injury- forget it. That being said, better get his linemen all roided up to protect him !

    In regard to your other comment about the players manning up and admitting to steroid use. Like that will ever happen. First we have to get the owners of Basesball to admit that they winked at this problem and knew about it for probably 20 years back, but because of enormous financial profits they got by allowing players to be steroided up, then maybe the players would admit it. Personally, I feel that major league baseball or the federal government should penalize the owners somehow and make them responsible for allowing steroids to invade baseball . Yeah, like that will ever happen either !

    I agree with you about the BCS it sucks not having a playoff ! Good takes Keys, rack him ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    O.K. We are back from our long network premier radio networks commercial now. Never thought you'd have a 8 to 10 hour commercial, right? Well, must be because my takes suck, and yours don't ! Anyway more of you and less of me is a good thing, so if you have a thought on this past year, any thought, sports, JWD, celebrities, or hell, anything, just say it ! This is your general end of the year rant thread even if you want. You can even have a take and suck- it's all right ! This show needs any help it can get ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    O.K. Everybody- talk to me. How did your life go in 2007 ? Have a take- you can suck if you want , I just want your takes ! Our sponsors are about to drop us off premier radio networks here ! Anything you want to talk or vent about would be fine ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

    Gotta go to work for 8 hours , give me something to respond to before I come back folks ! Peace out, Good night now !

  • flipper

    O.K. Sports fans, JWD fans, Celebrity fans. Last time I'm bumpin' this thread up to hear your takes on any of these subjects dealing with the year in review 2007 ! Was anything interesting to you this year ? Let me know ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    O.K. I lied. So I said I wouldn't bump this thread up again ! But J. Rome gives himself props all the time. All I'm asking for is your take or opinion of 2007 ! Was it really that bad of a year for you all ! Jesus Christ boys and girls ! Let's talk about the year in review, just for the hell of it ! Peace out to all and a very merry Christmas ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Leolaia

    This is the Year of the Nvrgnbk.

  • flipper

    LEOLAIA- O.K. I'll go for that . Any response right now is better than no response ! It's the year of the NVRGNBK ! Cool, I dig it !? I like him too ! Consider him a good friend. He is definitely a clone with a take , that doesn't suck either ! Smart dude ! Rack her ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • brinjen

    G'day it's Brinjen again, just wanted to say thanks for the stingray deterrant spray, it's a real lifesaver when scuba diving around the Great Barrier Reef.

    I also just wanted to say Merry Christmas and a happy, prosperous new year.

    Peace out.

  • flipper

    BRINJEN- Nice ! G'day to you to mate ! No problem on the ray deterrent spray . I really wish Steve irwin would have had it, or better luck at that . Poor guy . Anyway- Merry Christmas to you too Brinjen, and a very happy new year ! Rack her ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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