A rude reminder...buying a car

by Gregor 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gregor

    We have been considering a new auto. We have one with 125,000 mi and one with 145,000. They are both doing fine but I must admit I have been tempted by the deep discounts and rebates on new models.

    So I take my car to the dealer. I barely get out of my car before a young man of about 21 approaches me with the usual inane questions, I go to the model I'm interested in and ask to drive it. We get back and I told him I would like to speak with the Sales Manager because I wanted to discuss a deal and I did not want to be ping ponged all afternoon between this kid and some invisible SM in the back room.

    The SM comes out and he is a Mr. Cockypants all of 23 yrs old with one of those "just got out of bed" hairstyles. He made it clear that it was highly irregular to deal with me directly. He started the usual line of questioning designed to box me into letting them b--t f--k me. At one point they asked for my car keys so they could drive it. When the appraiser got back he had my registration and proof of insurance papers from the glove box. He gave them and my keys to the SM, not me. It was a not so subtle hostage taking.

    After 45 mins. I was ready to kill somebody. I said, give me my goddam papers and keys. I walked out. Driving home I realized how nice my car still is and was glad I had been reminded of what a pain in the ass it is to deal for a car.

  • Elsewhere

    Buy a MINI Cooper. The sales guy gave me a list of prices and asked: So what would you like to buy?

    Absolutely no BS (Except for when I picked up the car and they suddenly tried to sell me all sorts of extra warranties and coverage. I just checked all of the NO boxes, took the keys and headed out)

    (They start around $17,000, so they won't break the bank and they are fun as hell to drive and own)

  • Gregor

    I love the Minis and it would be my first choice for a personal car. I was amazed when I sat in one and didn't feel cramped. I'm over 6 ft and 215 lbs. But we were looking for a sedan that was capable of towing a small trailer. Because Chrysler is truly in the hurts and making deals I was interested in the 300C. The sticker was $35k. They knocked it down to $28k before we had talked for 5 mins. Anyway, my '01 Acura TL is still like new and I am going to put some money into maintenance items and keep it.

  • prophecor

    Stay with the Asian market vehicles and you may favor much better. Timing belt replacement, O2 Sensors, and periodic tune-ups should cover you for at least another 100K miles or better.

  • Kayta

    Shop at "Go Auto" the former John Elway dealerships. I bought my car there and was very happy with the process....however; at least in Denver; do not use their auto shops--they are the ones (the auto shop) that rip you off. But the dealership itself is great. One price and not so pushy sales people.

  • VanillaMocha73

    I want self-check for cars. Select car I want, take the bar code through the self-check, insert cash and go home......

  • jaguarbass

    Gregor, I know how you feel. I drive used vehicles that I pay cash for and keep them forever, maybe 10, 15 years.

    My wife drives new vehicles. She just got rid of a 2003 Volkswagon Beetle. We talked and aggreed she would get a car that she could drive the next ten years till she retired.

    Her last 3 vehciles, because of the way I treat car salemen, she aquires without me.

    I go on line and do all of the research, I find out what cars the dealer has on hand and what the banks finance rates are. We have been using a Federal credit union the past 15 years, So I go on line and find out what the rate is. I go to kelly blue book and see what our car is worth.

    Then I print out a sheet and give it to my wife. It has the model of car she wants, this time it was a Toyota corolla. We new the options, they are priced by the options package.

    The print out I give my wife has the value of our trade in.

    How much down we are putting.

    And how much our monthly payments will be.

    I gave it to my wife and she came home with a new 2008 Corolla and the payments were 50$ a month less than I figured because of my wifes credit ratting.

    And I didnt have to tell any salemen they were axxholx. My wife didnt get mad at me. And got the car she wants.

    Innititally they did try to bait and switch a more expensive package on my wife but I tell my wife before she goes, keep them focused and on track.

    Toyota ran an internet special on the car we bought, I printed the add out. So she showed the salesman the add and my work sheet. I figured in the taxes and freight and shes got a new car and paying 50$ a month less than she was for her previous car.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I know what you mean.

    I searched all over for a new car about a year ago and was about to give up. I then came across the Honda fit, which I think is an excellent buy. I was set on getting one but then decided that I was going to stick with the car I got (realized that the warrenty i paid for was good for another year!). If I had to buy a car I would go with the fit, but won't have the need for quite a while.

  • changeling

    I hate rude people! lol

    Sorry, but with the title of this thread I couldn't resist...


  • Hortensia

    I've bought a lot of cars over the years, mostly made bad deals. However, the last few times, I used edmunds.com to find the car I wanted first. You can also on edmunds.com find out what other people are actually paying for the model you like, and they have all kinds of useful information. I found the car I wanted, found out the reasonable price on edmunds.com, printed out the page with the info they gave me, and took it to the dealer. I just kept saying "I want this deal", and "you're wasting my time." Didn't take long for them to realize I wasn't going to budge, and I got the deal I wanted. Turned down all the extra stuff, made sure I got the interest I wanted on the financing. So that's my recommendation - wish I had known it years ago.


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