So I am not allowed to post an article that says some things contrary to my previous statements? That's kind of odd coming from such a 'free speech' advocate. I now and forever have to post only articles that I completely agree with?
Of course you are allowed to post whatever you want -- that's free speech. And I am allowed to point out your mistakes -- that's free speech too.
I DID read the article.
Then how could you miss the point? When Rushdie says, "Blame Islam," he has a context from which he is speaking. After all, he himself is a follower of Islam, and he is clearly not blaming himself, is he? He is trying to make a point, so he made a blunt statement to get that point across, with the subtleties underlying that statement understood and implied. When you make the same statement, it comes from Christian bigotry, as the rest of your hate-filled message shows.
It is you who cannot seperate yourself from constant erroneous comparisons between Islam and Christainity. BTW, did you look into the section of the Koran that details the personal and public jihad?
If you did, you will see that it varies greatly from, "love thy neighbor as thyself".
Yes. And did you look into the sections of the Bible that detail God-ordered slaughter? Don't tell me Jesus did away with those sections, for every religion that wants to find justification for their actions will use whatever section of the Bible that suits them, just as you condemn all of Islam based on certain sections.
Islam is just another cult, only bigger than most.
It's not a cult, but the fact that you used that word shows your prejudice. If it is a cult, so is Christianity.
If you would take off your 'politically correct' goggles
I'm not politically correct. In fact, I hate political correctness.
and remove your own blinders of liberalism
I'm not a liberal either. Way to go, Rex!
you might begin to see what this war is all about.
Unlike you, I've been following that part of the world for years, and I'm well aware of what this police action (it's not a war) is all about.
I repeat, Islam has as a central doctrine the forced conversion (by the followers, not God) of all humanity. They butchered millions of the original Parsi religious prophet, Zoaraster. They are FOLLOWING THEIR TEACHINGS FROM THEIR BOOK when they do so!
ROFL! Change the word "Islam" to "Christianity", and "Parsi" to "Christian" and "Zoaraster" to "Jesus" and you have an accurate description of most of the Middle Ages. This is truly the pot calling the kettle black.
Islam is not as old as Christianity. What Rushdie is hoping for is the same maturing process of the more extreme elements of Islam into a more mainstream version that can co-exist with the rest of us. Just like Christianity evolved....