Inner Peace

by JH 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Do you feel more inner peace now or when you were serving as a JW?

    No matter if the teachings were wrong, or not exact, I had more inner peace when I was "in".

    I remember when I got operated for a hernia, and had to be put asleep, while I was a JW in good standings. I knew that God would resurrect me if ever something went wrong, and I didn't wake up from the operation.

    Today if I had to undergo an other similar operation, I'm not sure I'd have the same inner peace.

    I think that no matter what religion you practise, no matter if it's false or not as false, you develop this inner peace, that may only be an illusion.

  • Satanus

    I feel more at peace. The main things is that i can actually feel more. More alive than when i was a numbed cult follower.


  • wednesday

    the key words here for me are "i feel' . Previously all I could say was " jws teach or the WTS says" I had no feelings or thoughts of my own-not really. I am so grateful to be able to have feelings of my own.

    I have come to some degree of inner peace, but it has not been without considerable work on my part. It's as the Bible says, being refined by fire.

  • mentalclearness

    I know exactly what you mean. I went on a trip by bus and normally I would have probably felt pretty sure that I would be protected by Jah, but of course that's not the case now. So my safety net (which was only in my head anyways) has vanished into thin air.....yeah it's a bit unsettling. Guess I'll just have to get used to it.

  • llbh

    When i was in the peace was extrinsic to me, it came from outside of me, that was not satisfying to me at all. My peace now comes from being at ease with myself and being accepting of others

    Do not get me wrong i want answers to metaphysical things, it just i that i am now at peace with who i am.. The odd thing is my JW wife picks up on this peace yet is unable to work out why.

    regards llbh

  • penny2

    I'm much more at peace now I'm out. I could never live up to expectations and that took its toll.

    Finding out the truth about "the truth" was the best thing that ever happened to me. It's hard sometimes because most of my family are still in but I faded and they don't shun me.

  • Gringa

    Much more peace now - I was in constant fear I would do something wrong and fall into disfavor of Jehovah and my mother.

    I have peace now and no more fear.

  • lonelysheep

    More inner peace now and I continue to seek it through my own pursuit of happiness. Every day gives me more hours to do so.

  • shopaholic

    Now that my emotions have settled down after learning that I had been living a lie, I have more inner peace now than when i was a jw. I feel like I now own my life and I don't have to worry about measuring up to the standards of a congregation or BOE that do not live up to the standards themselves.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    I would say I'm more at peace now. Being able to live my life without duress, and just being free brings peace for me. Living life involves certain risks whether you're a JW or not. Having a belief system may bring a certain level of security, but what's the sense in having false security anyway.

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