My parents have been witnesses for almost 65 years and have
been totally faithful all that time. They have many friends their
age that are still alive or have just recently passed away.
I would bet that there are thousands of witneses like them
around the world.
My question is:
If there were annointed who were dropping out, wouldnt it
make sense that these other older faithful witnesses would
be the ones that would take their place rather than this
new group of annointed that are my age, in their 40's and
50s and even younger?
Simply doesn't make sense.
The New Annointed
by joelbear69 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You wrote:
"make sense"
The term "make sense", never works for me in any context involving Jehovah's Witnesses. To me, nothing they do or say makes sense. Old Witnesses are nothing more than old fools. -
Simply doesn't make sense.
You are right, so it must not be "the truth."
The mind-control cult convinced your parents and
millions of others when they joined (or grew up in it) that
they were "other sheep." They aren't going to suddenly
get "a feeling" that they are anointed, because there is
no such feeling from Jehovah.New ones that weren't so thoroughly convinced that they
were "other sheep" might more easily think they are
anointed. While only WTS knows where the majority of
partakers are coming from, speculation is that it is from
newer frontiers where the converts are coming out of
other religions. They already had a feeling that they were
going to Heaven, so they still think so when they become
JW's.There are some older ones who get that feeling, though.
Ray Franz wrote of those that privately partook because they
disagreed with the WT on who is anointed, so there must be
some out there who agree with WT, but still get that "special"
feeling of closeness with God. -
White Dove
I used to think that I was of the annointed when I was a teenager. I loved the idea of being a spirit that could go anywhere, fly, and hover. Now I hope I turn into a ghost when I die although I believe in reincarnation a bit. -
No, the wt teachings do not make sense. But neither do the beliefs of other organized religions. Imo, It's all crazy.
Actually, the new thought is that these are not necessarily "replacement" anointed that are appearing on the scene. In 1925 about 3/4 of the WTS membership left (Bible Students) who formed their own groups. Of course, they still considered themselves true anointed. Then there is the question as to how many Christians there were in the first century. Historically, it is hard to count based on the historians today. I personally hope many more jws start partaking. The WTS also says there have to be some anointed on earth when the end comes (missing the wedding in heaven to Christ) so it allows the timeframe to extend out even farther if a 25 year old starts partaking, pushing the end out another 70 years at least. Then if 30 years from now a 25 year old starts partaking..........
I have been talking with Bible STudents lately, and while some of their teachings echo the WTS, it is much different since they all have the hope of going to heaven.
Just a thought could a person come up with a total number of 144k since 1879 or 1914.Wbts yearbooks how many parttook in 1879/1914 then extrapolate death to survivors and come up with a number.
Who is anointed ?
Those who think enough of themselves and have the guts to actually take the emblems. It must take a self important person to believe that they have been selected above their brothers.
The ones that I knew who started taking them were just such ones . The humble brothers were content to think of themselves the same as all the others.
Ummm because the GB changed the generations to suit their need. They need younger people to obey Bro Ted. Older ones would require more medical upkeep, which cost money, which is needed to expand the farm and pay the settlements.