I'm curios of what the Watchtower Society thinks about the year 2012. I think they Russell should've used the Mayan Calendar, and not the Pyramids. At least he would have something in common with the rest of the prophets.
The Watchtower and Year 2012
by NomadSoul 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
Some co's have used it to scare the pubs. Russel couldn't use it, back then, cuz it was too far away in time. He needed something more immediate. I'm surprised that there aren't cults forming around 2012. It seems to be on a lot of the minds of the general population, though. The media seems to be pushing 2012.
S -
Must obey!
I don't think the Watchtower has (yet) published anything about this date in the context of Mayan calendar expectations. If they do in the future, it will probably only be in a general interest article about 'new age' predictions or such-like, portraying these in a negative light.
And I don't think that many people have (yet) heard about the Mayan calendar supposedly ending in 2012.
I don't give the slightest bit of credence to it frankly. 2012 will just pass by like any other year in human history, with its share of woes (more or less) and joys (more or less) just like any other year.
The WT has remained silent...I believe that they are going the other way. Stressing not working to a date, removing the constraints of the "remaining remnant since 1935" changing again the "generation" of Matt 24.
settle down for a long ride, we aint there yet !
An end times church without and end time... Wow now THERE's an oxymoron!
Typical London get the Olympics for 2012 and its the end of the world.
An end times church without and end time... Wow now THERE's an oxymoron!
The WT Society is run by oxymorons.
Typical London get the Olympics for 2012 and its the end of the world.
Thats £10+ biliion down the drain then.
sorry don't know what happened there got a double post
Good predictions ? Only one is needed and till now all had failed ! Good predictions are such predictions that are based on the Bible and made by the true christian servants.And the number is 144000 and since the first christians died there was not single one up untill the time of the revival of the true christianity.
All predictions made after 106 AD up to the year 1879 AD can be easily put aside as unacceptable .
I am introducing here a specific period of 1773 years which can hide "666" as 1+7+7+3 = 18 .
The first end time prediction we should expect from the mouth of anyone who claims to be one of 144000 menservants and is covered by Luke 9.49-50 .There is one small united group of Christ's disciples belonging to 144000 and one seperate disciple .
So according to the Bible we must try to identify those individuals today if our times are the end times. We must have proofs our time is the end time era. To do that we must prove the Bible is for our times.To prove that we must prove we are living in the times that are reminiscent of the times when Christ and his first disciples lived.
If you read my posts I am superimposing the dates from the times of Christ and his disciples upon true christian servants as spoken in Luke 9.49-50 who must be living in our end times.
The following line of predictions : 1991 AD,1994 AD,1999 AD,2000 AD,2001 AD,2004 AD ,2005 AD and 2011 AD is the line that is accurately based on the understanding of the Bible reserved by God Yahweh for the end times- Daniel 12.4.
The pyramids in Egypt or mayan calendar have nothing to do with these predictions.Even if the end of the world would occur in 2012 AD it will help you nothing unless you are approved of God Yahweh as His child .You must have the true worship of God Yahweh and only the Bible gives the principles of that worship .
How to look at the earlier predictions starting with the year 1879 AD up to 1991 AD ? If they were made by true servants of Christ - who belong to the class of 144000 - we can consider them as incomplete but good at the time when they were made. it was the time of the much incomplete understanding of the Bible. Taze Russell might have looked to pyramids in Egypt for some kind of additional help to prove his point a move which today could be also acceptable . In my calculations I am using a calendar that was not in existence when God was giving the Bible . Any predictions dating from 150 AD to 1879 AD can be totally ignored.
Note the period 106 AD-150 AD .It was the period of gradual disappearing of the true christian religion.The Book of Revelation given in 96 AD seems to hide the date 106 AD.Revelation 2.10 : 10 days = 10 years 96 AD + 10 years = 106 AD
So , no predictions were allowed after 106 AD.
The best era for the end time predictions began in 1984 AD.And the first valid one was for 1991 AD. It seems that we may have 20 years left from 1991 AD and each year could have been predicted as the year of the end of the world but to show that we are dealing with the predictions based on the understanding of the Bible some dates are omitted. And now we have the last left : 2011 AD. 2005 AD and the next 2011 AD.