Reading between the lines in the January 2008 "Our Kingdom Ministry"

by TooBad TooSad 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • tooktheredpill

    "The elders are the best time wasters"

    Ha! You got me!

    Now you know our little secret!!!

    This is my Saturday Morning schedule:

    1) Early Laundromat/Phone booth service: 7:00am to 8:30 am.

    2) Breakfast from 8:30 to 9:30. Coffee, donuts and gossip. :)

    3) Group meeting is supposed to be at 9:30, but I always wait until 9:45 to read the Daily Text, "for the ones that comes late"

    4) "Preaching" from 10:00 to 11:00. If I have a "Return Visit", I'll do it in that timeframe. If I don't have one, I'll ask my wife (Who's still a believer) to go with her to her RV...

    Who has a similar schedule???

  • truthsearcher

    Hi TTRP and others who are still doing fs:

    Just wondering if your conscience bothers you that you are continuing to "spread the JW gospel"? Do you have plans to stop fs soon? Just curious.

  • BluesBrother
    since he was conducting the meeting his time started then.

    Gee, 40 years in the Borg and I never used that one...We never used it, or if the others did, they never told me - it would not be a surprise.

    I always stuggled to meet the "Average hours" of the cong. that elders were supposed to reach.. Trouble was that I was doing it too honestly..

  • tooktheredpill

    Just wondering if your conscience bothers you that you are continuing to "spread the JW gospel"? Do you have plans to stop fs soon? Just curious.

    Truthsearcher: To tell you the truth: Yes. My conscience bothers me most of the time. I still do it because I have all my family inside the Borg, and I have to figure how to help them out. If I get disfellowshipped, I will lose my communication channel with them...

    In the meantime, I'm trying to use the bible more, and finding "common ground" while preaching (Jesus, love of God, etc.) I DONT talk about WT's point of view, or that "we have the truth". I'm not conducting any bible study.

    I will start another thread about this.

  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    in regards to KM i am led to believe that you can no longer recieve any publication via can i recieve the latest editions of KM WTWR & AWK ?

  • DeeR

    I haven't received the January 2008 KM yet, but am looking forward to getting it now that I've read the posts. Yes, fs is a great waste of time. I finally quit doing it. It was my experience that we would meet at 9:00am and wait for the conductor to arrive. He was always late because he lived a distance away and was serving us (where the need was greater) and so we had to be considerate of him and wait. He would arrive around 9:15 and then spend 30 to 45 min. discussing the text and making car groups and field service arrangements. That would take us to 10am at which time we would go on a RV and all of wait while faithful publisher went to a door that everyone knew was not home. We would do that for about 30 min. and then it was time to go on coffee break. Well, that would take 30min. to an hr. By then it was 11 or 11:30. Then maybe drive around in the territory knocking on doors of RV that weren't home. We also did a lot of rurals. But all this really pissed me off until I wised up. You see, they always wanted to go in my van because it is so roomy and has two sliding doors--one on each side of the passenger section and also a third seat in the back. So we could cram a lot of time-wasters in it and all of us count the time for sitting in it. But the last straw was that nobody wanted to contribute to my fuel expense. I often heard,"I'll give you a little something next time we go out." Next time never came. An occassional publisher with a guilty conscience would sometimes throw me a $5 bill. At $3 a gallon that didn't get me far. I just couldn't afford to take the publishers out in service and waste all that time. I felt guilty counting the time as well. To compound the problem, I am not in the best of health and going out in fs was a real sacrifice for me. I tried so hard to be a "good" JW but I am just not able to hack it anymore. My health is not so great and I have a hard time with fs and the way that they do things. They are robbing Jehovah by counting all those hours doing nothing useful.

  • VoidEater

    <getting preached to by> Sister Dementia

    LOL! Now THAT would have livened up field service!

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    No wonder 5,000 hours are spent in service for every baptism. You people are a bunch of slackers. Keep up the good work.

  • yesidid

    truthseeker said

    Just wondering if your conscience bothers you that you are continuing to "spread the JW gospel"? Do you have plans to stop fs soon? Just curious.

    To truthseeker,

    Just wondering if your conscience bothers you that you are not minding your own business? Do you have plans to stop soon? Just curious.

  • stillajwexelder


    The elders are the best time wasters.1) drop off the publishers, then go back and pick them up, never spending any time talking to anyone yourself.2) going off with a MS to make special calls and errands3) going off with one's family every Saturday morning, never spending time with the rank and file4) scheduling a "bible study" on Saturday morning but always going by yourself5) taking much time for the meeting for field service, waiting for the late ones, taking 30 to 45 minutes before even getting in the car.6) stopping for coffee break at 10:45 and taking 45 minutes, then quitting because it's 11:30, saying you will make an RV on the way home.


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