My Study on the pillars that create and support the existence of the Governing Body: "144,000", “Little Flock”, “Great Crowd”, and “Other Sheep”.
by Doug Mason 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
My Study on the pillars that create and support the existence of the Governing Body: "144,000", “Little Flock”, “Great Crowd”, and “Other Sheep”.
marked to read later . Thanks Doug
A good read Doug, thanks.
Thank you for taking the time to compile that in one place for people like me.
I know they are pulling a fast one (or trying to) but I dont have access to all the material that you used.
Your post was most helpful.
edited to add - what i would really like is to see one of th GB sit down and go over this article and defend their stand.
The GB will NEVER sit down with a R&F to defend anything they say. They won't even show up in court, like Peter or Paul.
They feel no need to defend what they say and do. They make decrees, and you listen to them.
Reddit , excellent .
Thank you for your kind comments.
I learned a lot while preparing it.
Great piece of work DM. And a powerful tool now, for all of us.