Click original article for working links -
Michel Leblanc
In this article, you will probably make astonishing discoveries. Not only from Watch Tower’s publications, but, incredibly, using only the Web! For this purpose, it would be preferable to follow step by step the steps canvassing this article. Go visit the URL links that will come to you when you will reach each corresponding lines. This way, we hope very merely that the links of the three movements, discussed in these pages, still exist. The first links are internal of this site and are presents only to make you know things characteristic to the Watch Tower.
The other links are external of this site. When you will click on one of these addresses, a second window will open. You will only have to close her when you will have finished your exploration. The URL really important have been saved in case of an updating would generate their disappearances. One of those links is already non-existent, but we upgraded it on this server. So we will be able to present it to you. We hope that the followings will provide you the tools, which at our humble opinion will shed light on unpublished points that we consider important to make them known. An essential questioning on what is the Watch Tower’s beginning.
This symbol that you are able to see at the beginning of this paragraph, is an emblem that the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization used for some forty long years. From 1891 to 1931, this emblem was on the cover page of The Watch Tower. Its use was usual at the point that the first "Bible Students" wore a brooch representing that symbol on their clothes. After the decease of C. T. Russell (the founder of the Bible Students), the Watch Tower "Society" erected even a pyramid as funeral monument for their deceased president with on it, this symbol as an emblem.
It is not honestly possible to disregard him because he has been an integral part of the history of the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization during nearly the third of its existence. Today, the Watch Tower says to do not use it anymore.
Glancing through the book "Jehovah’s Witnesses: Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom", page 200, who relates the history of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, published by this organization, the Watch Tower places the use of this symbol among "Practices who have been abandoned". Why? Because according to them: "When the Jehovah’s Witnesses have abandoned religious teachings having a pagan origin, they also abandoned impure customs" (page 198 in the same book).
As examples of abandoned practices, they cite on pages 200-201, four examples. Two of them are the one mentioned concerning the abandon of the practices of celebrating Christmas and the birthday anniversaries. The two other examples concern the abandon of the symbol of the "Cross in the Crown" and the last one recalls that, "For 35 years, Pastor Russell taught that the Great Pyramid was a stone witness of God who corroborated the biblical periods (Is. 19: 19)". It is interesting to note that it is the Watch Tower itself that files in two categories that it declares to have abandoned as time passed by: "Religious teachings from a pagan origin" and "Also impure customs".
If, when we have been Jehovah’s Witnesses, it is easy to find in the organization’s publications explanations about the abandonment of the celebration of the holidays and the belief of the cross. It is another thing about the abandonment of the logo of the cross in the crown (because, here, we are talking about a symbol and not a belief…) and the belief in the pyramid of Guizah. Even worst for those within a congregation who ask questions about this subject and are put asides very rapidly ((see the witnessing of L. on this subject) )... That engenders naturally a question. LIs the Watch Tower feels uncomfortable if it has to explain the reason why it abandoned this ancient particular emblem? Does it also fells uncomfortable to explain from where does come from that theory about the fact that the pyramid was a mean to calculate the arrival of the Kingdom of God on earth?
Here we have a very ancient book published by Pastor Russell in the series "Study in the Scriptures". The translation of the title of the book shows merely how the teaching on the pyramid of C. T. Russell was important (In French: "Le divin plan des ages". "The Divine Plan of Ages", as shown in the Great Pyramid). Let’s fix something important here. If the holidays and the cross are by essence religious subjects it is not the same thing for the emblem and the pyramid that should not be place on the same level. Actually, it is not in a church that you will find a priest, a pastor or a patriarch defending the pyramid as a monument of God we know by the Bible. Almost not of this pyramid serving for the calculation of the end of time! Nowhere within the Christianity, the churches who are called "Babylon the Great" or the "Whore" by the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization, we may find those emblems and doctrines. The symbol of the "Cross and the Crown" do not belong to a Christian religion with which we would be able to associate this symbol. It is a thumping problem. If only, it would be for those two "occult" examples, a teaching or a thesis defended by a member from the "rank and file" of the WATCH TOWER of this era, we would be easily able to pass over it. But it was the very position of C. T. Russell himself, spokesman and chief of the organization who was telling to be the messenger of God on earth and this for nearly the third of the time of the existence of the organization.
There is not even a serious explanation in the publications of the Society about that subject. At most there are small articles that are defensives more than anything else. And again one must seek a lot to find them… it is an obvious that the "Society" do not want to tackle that theme. Not even for the pyramid, other teachings and weird behaviors within the Society at its beginning. What was so much reprehensible in the emblem of the Cross and the Crown and in the pyramidal calculations for that there mere evocations provokes such a dodge?
It is the origin that, unfortunately, is the problem. A such negative origin that to explain it would be worse than to denounce the ancient supposed belongings to religious traditions that now the Watch Tower condemns. Because the difference between the two doctrinal sources from where comes the teachings of the organization of the Jehovah’s Witnesses is very different… If on one side it is possible to go through theological discussions on the fact that religious traditions have been practiced at that time, because the "Society" of the Bible Students was immature – it becomes impossible as much as are concerned those elements of an esoterically nature – to say that they are the temporary continuation of ancient Christians traditions who have disappeared at the very moment when the spirit of Jehovah would have enlightened his organization on earth. It is not this way it happened because it is an integration of non-existing elements within Christianity who has happened to integrate themselves with a part of the doctrines of the Watch Tower. Then, if Christianity refines himself with the time passing by, that everyone creates his own religion and with the time passing by the God of the Bible will correct the mistakes he made at the beginning! It is there where we can find the real logical and theological problems of the Watch Tower.
Here is according to us what it is all about. Each individual is free to make his own examination. But it becomes more and more evident that doctrinally speaking, the teachings of Pastor Russell come from an integration of beliefs coming from at least two different sources. Those elements had a Christian origin and an occult origin. Concerning the Christian origin it is possible to analyze it in part. It subdivides itself by the different Christian movements in which Russell had belonged. First, we think about the Presbyterian, the religion of his parents. (Jehovah’s Witnesses: Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom, p: 42). We can read there that his parents were very religious. Unfortunately, the death of his mother when he was only nine years old launched for him a religious crisis. He then immerses himself in a study of the religion. Afterward, he joined the Congregationalist church "because he preferred their ideas" (ibid. p. 43). The subject of the hell of fire and torments pushes him, according to the official history, to quit the official’s churches that he considered like being buried by a flood of paganism having modified the original Christian religion. (Ibid. p. 43). Again that appears to be a paradox in the discourse of Russell since the Watch Tower pretends to be refining as much as the time passes by from the spirit of Jehovah in its doctrines, reason why it modifies its doctrines. Well, you know, it denies that same privilege to the other Christian denominations. More interestingly, contrary to what we would expect from Russell – he lost his faith (The Parousia Messenger, p. 433), and then turns to the study of "oriental religions" (JW, p. 433). Finally, according to the Watch Tower, "by chance" one night he passes in front of an Adventist church. Then, he entered and there he understands the essential knowledge of his future discourse "the next coming of Christ" later modified as the arrival of his invisible "presence" at a certain date that he will modified following his mistaken calculations. This is it for the first source, the official one that is put ahead by the organization revealing the past of Russell.
The second source, if we make abstraction of the oriental religion phase of Russell, is perceptible not anymore in the history of the official Christian religions. Why? No doubt that it is because that source belongs to a secret doctrine known by the name of Freemasonry and that Russell must kept it secret, as it is required by the rule of that society. All that first phase has supposedly happened when Russell was not even aged by eighteen years old; let’s not forget it! It is in 1891 that the cross and the crown made their appearance on the cover page of The Watch Tower. Why? Is Russell had to suffer an influence other than the one of the Adventists like it is usual to pretend it? That this element had belonged to an organization different from the Christianity is an imaginable thing since Russell had already flirted with something else out of the Christianity. There was one spiritual way left for Russell, the Freemasonry. In his days, the American Freemasonry had a membership of millions of members and one of the biggest center of Masonry was in Pittsburgh. The city of Allegheny where have grown Russell is now a part of the city of Pittsburgh. On the other side of the road where Russell has been buried, we find the greatest Masonic center of that city. A lot of famous people who left their marks in the American history told to have been Masons. It is at least what declares the Masonry. Would it be ridiculous to think that Russell drawn at that source?
Another factor to retain, which we will be demonstrated in a further article, is that in spite of a certain fortune, it took something very powerful to permit to such a young man less than 20 years old, to begin the building of a "movement" having the extent of the biggest cults in such a few times. Something else gave an unimaginable impulsion to the Watch Tower. No matter if we consider the question under all its angles, the monstrous literary activity of Russell, the esoterically symbols who are all along his way while he was always on the road, make that there is like a bizarre impression. The author and the leader are not always alone in his "mission". Some meetings will confirm this… The colossal means that have been unfolded make think. The origin and the appearing of esoterically and occult elements become then a question, which is legitimate to ask. Because if the symbol of the Cross and the Crown comes from a secret organization which is not cited by the Watch Tower for the reasons we are beginning to understand; the mobiles for it (secret organization), are even more questionable.
Let’s come back to the base…
First, let’s come back to the base of what constitutes the link we are discussing here: the Cross and the Masonic Crown. The organization or the organizations we are looking for are part of Masonries that we know under the names of (according to their jargon): parallel, concordant or independent bodies. They have this in particular; to be member of them you must be Mason. One of them who interest us the most is known by the name of "Knight Templar".
Often the detractors make fun of the possibility that Freemasonry could have a form of cryptic influence over the businesses of the world. They distort the facts in speaking of "cryptic-satanic-plot" well watered with their mocking sauce; nevertheless by following this last link at the bottom of the KT (Knights Templar) page, you will realize by yourself that the cryptic Masonry is not our invention and the American KT are proud to be member of it and to show it CRYPTIC Freemason»...
If you visit a Knight Templar site you will see the use of the symbol of the Cross in the Crown and that under two different forms; an additional demonstration that the symbols on the Masonries may take many different forms. The main representation is the basic Cross and the Crown. The other parallel Masonic organization, which is also as much important, is the "Societas Rosicruciana" composed only by Masons. Here we present the Canadian one and their logo in wait of approval. In the superior section we can see the Cross and the Crown . Those societies have nothing to do with movements like the new Templar or the new Rosicrucian. They are not levels of the conventional Masonry even if there is a little bit of that. It matters of independent Masonic bodies that are recognized by the ancient Freemasonry and/or accepted worldwide. Mainly branches of the American Freemasonry that regroups only master Masons having reach the ultimate degree in their lodge. It is a must, as they say, to be of the Christian faith… nevertheless, studying the subject, those who will make a research on them will find a faith soaked with syncretism, gnosticism, kabalistic, occultism, esoterically, etc… Nothing of what we learn at the catechism or at the Sunday’s school. The "Knight Templar" has today a membership of about a half a million members spread out in all the lodges and ancient obedience, free and accepted by the worldwide Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry. Particularly of the Rite of York and the one call Scottish. This is why the presence of their emblem brings so many questions when we find it within the organization of the Jehovah’s Witnesses officially for a period of forty years.
It is then just a tiny part of what we have learned from our researches. One can fell free to take it again from the beginning; we encourage that kind of research. We accept with respect the people who prefer to do not attribute a great importance to it. For us, they would not even have a great importance if it were not the context of teaching of the Watch Tower. A teaching the Society continues to advocate without batting an eyelid. Must we abandon a Christianity who has evolved from his regionalist cultural roots and who is constituted by the official churches, these that the Watch Tower qualify of "whore" or abandon an organization such as the Watch Tower which the origin is base in part in an occultism who denies straightforwardly the Christianity, that comes from the Masonic lodges et that bears the name of the Watch Tower? Discovering that the organization that tells of itself to be the only one on earth to represent God, the only one to possess the truth, the only one in charge of the purification of all pagan impurities, an elite of people who will be the only one to pass through an end of the world where almost nearly the totality of human kind will be killed! Discovering the only organization that traces the path of salvation not being stain by any common impurities it says it finds in all the other religions of the world. Just one valuable religion according to its leaders while the Watch Tower found itself leaved bare in the daylight and found guilty is, for the less, we would say, remarkable. What we discover within it is worst than what it denounces in the other religions; the fact it qualifies them of pagan is again more astonishing. An occult, Gnostic, esoterically influence without which its development would have been impossible. What a perplexity? This is the summit of irony, you will understand it easily. It is the principle of the flooded sprinkler swimming in its own water. The organization has no more credibility to make the moral to anyone else...
The Bible Students and the Watch Tower
It is not our intention here to treat of everything that exists on the subject of the different symbols used by the Watch Tower in the early days ((because there are others)), first things first… The one that we want to attract the attention of the reader on is the one of the "Cross in the Crown" which one is still strangely used in a such weird branch of movements supposedly dissociated (called Russelites). At the death of C. T. Russell, his successor Rutherford became the second president of the Watch Tower. Disappointed by the way the succession had occurred and insulted by all the changes that made Rutherford to deny more than a hundred of Russell’s doctrines and creating new one, schisms had occurred. This is what the Watch Tower and the rebellious movement historically teach officially.
The Bible Students have spread in a multitude of movements, each of them proclaiming to have stayed faithful at the teachings of Pastor Russell. Among those movements existing for the great majority in the United States, we can name:
International Association of Bible Students
International Bible Students Association
Laymen's Home Missionary Movement
Epiphany Bible Students Association
Laodicean Home Missionary Movement
Pastoral Bible Institute, Inc.
Watchers of the Morning
Dawn Bible Students Association
Christian Millennial Fellowship, Inc.
Stand Fast Bible Students Association
Elijah Voice Society
Servants of Yah
Bible Fellowship Union
New Jerusalem Fellowship
Old Paths Publications
Forest Gate Church
Bible Students Publishing Company
Goshen Fellowship
Institute of Pyramidology
Angel of Jehovah Bible and Tract Society
Berean Bible Institute
New Covenant Fellowship
Christian Truth Institute
New Covenant Believers
Associated Bible Students
Assemblies of Yahweh
And there is a lot more in many countries such as "Les amis de l’homme" ("The Friends of Men") in Europe. All professes more or less the same credo of the mortality of the soul, the non-existence of hell, the non-existence of the Trinity, the next coming of the Kingdom, the invisible presence of Christ, the new world order, etc…
A lot of those movements are nearly eclipsed. Some others have simply disappeared. Nevertheless, among them, there are some that are in very good shape. Let’s name the "Associated Bible Students" that are very presents on the Web and who holds many conventions like the one of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. There is also a more powerful movement; the "Dawn Bible Students Association" and some others publishing, since the end of the Russell’s era without discontinuation, periodic and publications. They have, this is the most strange, very sustained relation between them. Those movements have even become with the time, according to some individuals, possessions of the Watch Tower who would use them! The purpose would always be the same, scattering confusion. If this idea surprises you, so that you will discover next will surprise you even more...
Astonishing branches
Perhaps do you know that the organization of the Jehovah’s Witnesses is managed by three sibling’s organizations. A sort of Trinity: the "WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY", the "WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY OF NEW YORK", and the "INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION". If you follow the actuality concerning the Jehovah’s Witnesses no doubt you know that they have an official Web site. The address is: Copyright © 2000 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. If you never visited this site, go and look at it. Let’s note that the rights of this site are not protected by the organization of New York but by the one of Pennsylvania! When we are Jehovah’s Witnesses, they tell us that the general headquarter is the "Bethel of New York". Even so, the "Society of Pennsylvania" at the first glance, seems to always have the first importance even if Russell has moved it in New York, where it has its installations. Can we already ask to ourselves the following question: Are the real leaders of the WATCH TOWER or the WATCHTOWER really are in Pennsylvania or in New York?
Now, less people know that the organization of the Jehovah’s Witnesses has other official sites. For example, in France:» Copyright © 1999 Association Cultuelle les témoins de Jéhovah de France. Tous droits réservés. In Germany : " Jehovas Zeugen O N L I N E © 1999, 2000 Wachtturm Bibel- und Traktat-Gesellschaft, Selters/Ts. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Russia has his site too: being in the subject, since Russia is an important stake that prevents the statistics of the organization to go down too much, the site has also an English section:
Copyright © 1999 AC RRO of Jehovah's Witnesses. Here, as we have branches of the American head office, the organizations see theirs rights protected by the Witnesses of Jehovah according to the legislation of those countries. That, like it has been the case in France, do not avoid them to do not respect the French laws!
And there is other sites of this type: officials and with copyright. This is what we will show. Mainly there are other sites that are nearly completely ignored. There are even some that are absolutely unthinkable, at the limit of the unbelievable not for say of the anachronistic!
You may remember that at the beginning of that reading, we have mentioned a group of Bible Students’ organizations that, supposedly, dissociated them from the Watch Tower of Rutherford. Among the names of those movements, you will find some that resemble each other. You have the «International Association of Bible Students», the «International Bible Students Association» or the «Associated Bible Students» among other. In the two first cases, only the use of the word ‘International’ makes a difference, but what a difference, you will note it! Those names resemble each other strangely… At first sight, we would say that the schismatic have wanted to keep a name for their movement which is as near as possible than the one they had known during the Russell’s era. MBut there is a problem because the "INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION", the same which is mentioned among the dissident movements is one of the three property of the organization of the Jehovah’s Witnesses...
How come then that that one finds itself among the dissident associations and that it publishes magazines, books and brochures of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and New York. Does she even own the rights on some of these volumes? To be sure we do not commit mistake, let’s go on one of the known sites of the primitive dissident organization of the "Bible Students" and let’s check.
To make it even more neutral, we will choose a dissident group from Germany! Let’s go see first their home page and observe it… than we will come back here: . No doubt the "Cross and the Crown" are really there. So it is really one of the sites of the "Russelites". Now what is nice with this site is that it has a section that gathers the links of nearly all the dissident Bible students of the world. Let’s go check it and then we will come back here for an analysis: (We preserved this webpage here at the case or it disappears...).
You have without doubt note at the right the names of associations where we find the«INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION» ! You may ask yourself: Is there a mistake? No, not at all, since the other organizations are there too with their links. You may say to yourself: There is no link with those organizations and the one own by the Watch Tower. Well no, there is one! Hard to believe that the Russellites that still have an account to settle with Rutherford, if we believe them, would be naïve enough to bite...
Incredible but the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization has a site for "his" Bible Students Association cited by dissidents. Let’s click on the site shown on this German home page to be sure:International Bible Students Association. No doubt, the Cross and the Crown are there, but incredibly, we are on the site of one of the three organizations of the Watch Tower that is supposed to have abandoned this symbol a long time ago. Apparently it is not the case! Are you amazed? Well, relax and sit down, because it is not over yet...
If now you visit the site own by the Watch Tower of the ISBA, you will discover that this one is build but he is not yet operational. There were not rights asked at the moment of the writing of this text… For example, click on ‘links’, there is no links! Click on ‘contact’, there is no E-mail address and so on... Nevertheless we are really on a site own by the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization and bearing the right name.
Let’s continue our exploration. The main reason for our exploration on Internet is to prove that the use of the Cross and the Crown is still in use and that by the one we know as being the Russellites and like by the organization of the Jehovah’s Witnesses known under the name of International Bible Students Association . It is done for this demonstration by this document for the first reason that motivated us.
Now the second phase is to demonstrate that the Watch Tower has still links with Freemasonry. I want to proceed in many ways, but for now, I prefer to continue to use Internet in this demonstration. Why do I say that? Merely because I would be able to demonstrate only that this symbol is the symbol of the Knights Templar and the Masonic Rosicrucian, easy thing. I want to make this demonstration combining always Internet with publications. I would be able, also, to show you historic elements that show that affiliation. But I prefer our contemporary era and I will come back on the other possibilities of demonstration another time. Often we hear that at the beginning, it is possible that the Watch Tower have had illicit relations with the FM but that today it is not the case anymore. We also hear that the use of this symbol does not prove in any way that the Watch Tower at this moment has done anything else to borrow it. Those hypothesis although false have still not been demonstrated, that let to think... Because if in one side we have to demonstrate the Masonic affiliation of the first "Bible Students", our detractors have on their side to demonstrate the contrary using the ancient and modern history of the Watch Tower instead that to make reference at the paranoia of the persecution that animates a lot of Masons and their sympathizers.
That reflex of the Masons resembles strangely to sectarian indoctrination. A confusion of thinking that reigns within the membership of Masonry instead that a healthy reflection based on dialog. Exactly that that is reproached to cults. The cults refuse the dialog by sheltering themselves behind all sorts of excuses inculcated by their leaders and the Masons do the same under the pretext of Masonic traditions. Likely the cults imitate them, is that not interesting to notice it? Are those two movements of thinking brothers? It is as difficult to have a critic discussion with a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses as it is with a member of Masonry. One treats you as Satan’s henchman, the other one of xenophobe and other words like that. That simply shows a same attitude of indoctrinated people thinking of them that they are members of an elite. Sons of light, do they think, a light that shines more and more because of the initiation of a college of elected ones without which they would be in the darkness! "All the other ones, except them, are Gentiles (word for pagan in the JW language) or profanes (FM language)". All this is inculcate by two organizations more than questionable. Apocalyptic cults that wait for a new world order that refuses to hear the critic of their movement and like the Freemasons that wait for a new world order. They assimilate all critiques to identical extremist movements desiring their loss: the churches and other religions!
Wanting absolutely demonstrate the Masonic origins of the Watch Tower?
What is making me proceed at that demonstration is that actually many ex-JWs deceived by the actual Watch Tower (another time...) decide at last to go back to the roots of their history. For doing so, they contact Russellites movements and they discover an all-different reality that the one they knew when they were members of the Watch Tower. Many of them join the Russellites as sympathizers or as members. Russell become again the good guy, the one which the words have been torn by the bad one, the Watch Tower, the one that has denatured the original message. I only have modest means to thwart this tendency but to return like that to the origins it is not compatible with what is really Christianity! Remember the failure of Russell’s predictions? It is really to those individuals that I am talking to, them that desire to reintegrate the memory of Russell!
Many believers deceived by the Watch Tower, incapable to admit the size of the error in which they live, go back to the original errors of Russell!
After a cult, it is another one that takes the relay. We are agreeing to say that socially the Russellites are less harmful than the Watch Tower. Unless that there is still, of course, a link between the two movements… For the contemporary Jehovah’s Witnesses, to see that the Watch Tower pulls its origins in the occultism, is a detonator that will make him correct, on most cases, all those years lost serving those false prophets of the twentieth century. But to do not persist in this detailed denunciation would help others appendix of Jehovism to perpetuate that lost of time. That will also help the Watch Tower to regenerate itself with a new generation of disciples ignoring its past.
I would even say that if really peoples desire to immerse them on the originality of the Watch Tower, that they join the Masonry!
So at least they will be totally immersed in the confusion present there, the one that has engender the Watchtower! It is not my wish because what I really wish you is the freedom out of a cult that will permit you to choose a spirituality not harmful for you, your family, your friends or the society where you live in.
I would like to avoid at all cost, if it would be in my power, another disillusion. After so many years of researches, I observe that those movements "called" dissidents of the Watch Tower were only the first phase of the heresy propagated by the Watch Tower. The teachings of that first phase belong all as much corrupted and harmful than those of the modern Watch Tower. It is them that have engendered the Watch Tower we know. And those movements are far to be as white as snow like I will finish to demonstrate it.
Snow that melts under the sun
To demonstrate it without exaggeration since that we must update the mysteries of the Watch Tower and the Bible Students of Russell and Rutherford. I will finish by an interesting demonstration that proves that the Watch Tower today is still linked to the Masonry as much as the Bible Students. I will make you discover in an uncommon WAY another official site, not much known of the Watch Tower and, by the way, by the one that the Watch Tower "officially’ denies. The "dissidents Russellites" make the same thing by denying the Watch Tower.
First, let’s go back to: (We preserved this webpage here at the case or it disappears...) and let’s observe the first name of this group of Bible Students of New Jersey that is own by the organization known under the appellation of «Associated Bible Students». This is another dissident Russellites movement. Let’s click on this link:
Always no mistake, we find ourselves for real on a site of the Russellites where we can see on the front page, the famous "Plan of the Ages" of Pastor Russell and a citation of the "Emphatic Diaglott", a book still used by the Watchtower and the Russellites. (Since this article was written this page was modified, the " Plan of
the ages " of Pasteur Russell as well as a quotation of " Emphatic Diaglott " are not there any more, but this page shows always clearly that it is about a Russellite site by his symbol of the Crown and the Cross )
Now, here, this is what we must say, this site is owned by a well-known Bible Students member. He even owns many sites on the Web that will serve us to make our demonstration. He even leads on one of his page, a crusade against the Watch Tower that may seem normal for a dissident. The site where we are gives general information on the "Associated Bible Students". We will have to go further to find out what is gong on. This is a second site of the same organization of New Jersey. (We preserved this page here at the case or it disappears...) The Masonic symbol of the "cross and the crown" is there… from this site and by following the next link, there we find the Masonic connection! We can find it at the page where are held the conventions of this group: And yet we are not in the Russell’s era anymore. (We preserved this page here at the case or it disappears...) The conventions of those Bible Students acknowledged by the Russellites movements are held always in many occasions, in Masonic temples... It is not question here of crusade but really of a convention, the term is written there!
The contemporary Russellites are also not really as white as snow. The Russellite’s snow melts under the Masonic sun… This is what we can read on a site of the Russellites and that right in the year 2000. Not surprising that the Russellites, since always, have been associated to the Freemasons. Even on Internet they do not hide that...
February 12, 2000
The Jersey City Bible Students, would like to extend to you a warm invitation to attend our annual pre-thanksgiving convention held on the weekend of November 18, 19 2000.
It will be held at:
The Masonic Temple
1912 Morris Avenue
Union, NJ 08073
Now the Freemasons and the Russellites are still not far from one another in this new millennium year... But again, that is not all! Are they, in one way or another, in relation with the actual Watch Tower organization? What do you think about it?
Let’s check again by going on the site of the organization to which belongs that New Jersey’s group et let’s seek for the third site of this community: (Since we published this article, this site is mysteriously disappeared... BUT now this site his under this name It have there no more the page of
links unfortunately... we had recorded here in the event of disappearance...)
No doubt, here again we find the Cross and the Crown, the common symbol of the Masons, the primitive Watch Tower and the actual "Bible Students" including those of the Watch Tower.
The name of those we are looking for is really there: Associated Bible Students of Jersey City Let’s click on the link and we will find the third site of the New Jersey’s Bible Students. (Once again and unfortunately since the publication of this article the site is not accessible any more. But we had envisaged this and we saved this page here which was
This site is not anymore updated since a certain time. Probably the two first one and another are sufficient? But by abandoning it, his owner has forgotten a link. Why? Merely because by not updating his pages, the server has simply stroke them, keeping the address and the front page of the site dating from some years ago. AH! Those servers. As much as is concern a page named "Convention Tapes" as the link was external to the server hosting this site and that an URL does not take a lot of place in a directory, he has then been preserved. And what does he permit us to discover? That this Russellites site points out, in an unexpected way, to a nearly unknown site of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. By clicking on the "Convention Tapes : 1999 Convention " mention, we arrive strangely at: which is the official site of «Authorized Site of the Public Affairs Office of Jehovah's Witnesses Copyright © 2000 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. » This site permits to have access at the statistics of the Watch Tower! Isn’t it that a trick! If you prefer a summary, let’s say merely that an official site of public affairs of the Watch Tower is reachable by a Russellites site, dissident from the organization !!! Not anyone of them, an official site of the first organization in importance of the "Trinity" that manages the organization of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and that is the Watch Tower of Pennsylvania. «Copyright © 2000 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.» A site not much known that has a public affair’s mandate for the Watch Tower...
Paradoxically, we have reached from a Bible Students sites supposedly rejected and rebel, to retrace the Internet addresses of the American corporations that manage the organization of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. We have succeeded to demonstrate that a link exists between them. That the Masonry still plays its role.
Is that a programming error between programmers of the three siblings organization that has resulted in that monumental mistake? Probably we will never know, but from now on it will be more difficult to pretend that there are no links between cults and secret societies.
So, as an end word, this site of New Jersey had in an update made disappear this link, it is has preserved by us. It was another convention again in the Masonic temple. "events.html "
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Watch Tower, Bible Students and Freemasonry
by Pete Sempras 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Pete Sempras
Pete Sempras
The Occult Roots of the Jehovah's Witnesses
Read the eye-opening,Be Wise As Serpents(free online .PDF book), by political prisoner and Christian, Fritz Springmeier.
Read the eye-opening, Occult Theocrasy(free online .PDF book), by Edith Starr Miller.She wrote the book in 1933 and lists Charles Taze Russell as a Knights Templar Mason on page page 737...
Read the eye-opening, The Watchtower and the Masons (free online .PDF book), by political prisoner and Christian, Fritz Springmeier. -
I'll have what you're smoking....
Why do people post this stuff as if it was some new undiscovered secret that those of us on JWD have never come across before.
Very informative for me since i am new to this forum. I have researched this on a small scale and there is no question in my mind that Russell was influenced by "Freemasonry".
It was helpful for me to go back to the beginning of the now "WTS". I think all "Newbies" should do so. Research it thoroughly.
Just some points about your post :-1/ Every link i clicked on wouldn't come up. 2/ Please fix up your grammer. It was like reading a chinese translation. (Don't take it personally).
Peace out
Robert K Stock
Being a Mason is a good thing.
It is silly to use guilt by association since those associated are not bad to begin with.
Russell and his Bible Students were nothing like the Jehovah's Witnesses created by Judge Rutherford.
Merry Magdalene
I think the true history of JWs is important and something they shouldn't be allowed to gloss over the way they do. I was also intrigued by the claim of a link from a dissident Bible Students' site to an official Watchtower site (International Bible Students Association) which bears a cross and crown.
So I tried the link. Although the link does say "International Bible Students Association" the page it took me to does not, so does the poster or author of the article have some other proof that the site is owned by the IBSA/Watchtower? It only says "Bible Students.Org" so I don't see any connection.
But thank you for sharing.
FF, I don't think the article was written by the poster and I do think it is a translation from French.
Burger Time
I think the people that post this stuff are free mason Illuminati sent by lizard people to destroy us.
compound complex
One matter that, I believe, is not disputed is that the WTB&TS has occultic origins. The significance of growth resulting from that original rootstock will never be agreed upon, IMHO.
This is one of the better French-into-English translations that I have waded through. I don't know what the earmarks of a computer-generated translation happen to be, but some are almost undecipherable. The above, apart from frequent, incorrect verb renderings vis-a-vis person and the nonidiomatic English, is quite readable.
Any thoughts on the true meaning of these transliterated idioms? [see below]
It is the principle of the flooded sprinkler, swimming in its own water.
They distort the facts in speaking of "cryptic-satanic-plot" well watered
with their mocking sauce.Compound-Complex