Respecting Opinions (Remember English is a second Language)

by cluless 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • cluless

    What do I MEAN?

    How can you say that?

    Iam insenced?

    I Have followed debates on this site. And I have concluded that the power of the written word is argumentative.

    I mean the words this site communicates in is in English.

    Iam sure respect would be shown to posters communicating in another language if the poster was aware of this.( Swedish French German Polish ect ect)

    The same appreciation should be shown to topics where the bible is quoted. The bible says nothing in black and white. It is only our interpretation. Lets never be so self-righteouse to tell others how a sentence reads.

    I would also like to say when I wrote my biography my wording seemed to be judgemental on all enders I was associated with..I would like to qualify this was not a blanket comdemnation on all elders. Theres a couple I remember with fondness and respect.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I saw the title of this thread and thought it was: Respecting ONIONS (Remember English is a second Language).

    Oh and I agree. And why is it so hard for people with fundamentalist thinking to accept that the Bible doesn't have to be 100% inspired of God? I mean, the parts that are healthy and make sense, I can understand could come from God, but the wacko, sick sadistic and biggoted things? C'monnnnnnnnn.

  • Hortensia

    I'm tired of this kind of preachy post.

  • cluless


    What do you mean. "You are tiead of this type of preachy post"

    English not being my main language I thought you meant I was preashing religiously.

    I have given up preaching.

    My post took 40 minutes to write. All I meant to say was Its hard to write in another language.

    And all I meant to say was communicating can become agumentive if when matters of the heart and the passions they involve are not undersstood.

    Hortensia I apologosise That my post offended you. I really appreciate having found this board.

    This noncence I have now written took 20 minutes.(

    I just belive all anybody has to say is only a respectful thought and an opinion not a fact.

    I hope (Hortensia) you will forgive me for afending you with my post, This was not my intention.

  • cluless

    My reply to my post.

    Horitsia was right my post came across as preachy.

    Thats because I re-wrote it many times before posting.

    This is what I noticed wth my biography post. I wrote it many times .So many it didnt say what I wanted to say.

    I prepare my posts like i was in the theogratic ministry school. So much effort (I hope my English is perfect) But by perfecting my English I fail to say What and and how I meant to say.

    Iam going to continue to post if you becauuse this has been theropugig to my leaving the Witnesses and I have no other place just now,

  • nomoreguilt

    Clueless, you are just as welcome here as anyone else. You may find though, that the anglo sense of humour may be differant to yours. Alot of what is said here is slanted towards the humorous/ sarcastic side. Just bear along with us and you will find that your posts will be appreciated. Am I not correct, FRIENDS?



    Angry With ChainsawRunning Away In CirclesStabbed With A Fork.....................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • cluless


    Fair point....But remember as ´Scandenavians" we dont have a sence of humor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    AND WE SCANDIAVIANS are going to take ovef this BOARD.

    So you better learn SWEDISH-............

  • jaguarbass

    when I wrote my biography my wording seemed to be judgemental on all enders I was associated with

    Where is your biography published, so we can read it. Is it on line?

  • cluless

    Hi Flyinghi

    Thankyou for replying to my post.

    I The First Time I had heard the phrase phandemential thinking was in your kind reply to me.

    My personaö opinion is the Bible is inspired from God . But only to the degree that your words to me are inspired from God.( I belive the words from Charlie Brown have as much God as the bible)


    But when believed in my God The energy was creative. ITS EXACTLY THE SAME ENERGY....that drew many to Nasism. I hope iam now independent but I welcome your thinking.

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