by proplog2 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    Reading your responses, Proplog2, I suddenly remembered something from my JW childhood...

    being taught that if I was ever attacked by a potential rapist I should scream and fight him off to every extent possible (if I didn't, I would be guilty of a sexual crime myself before God)...

    BUT when I asked for instruction in how to defend myself so that I would be better able to fight off a rapist, it was denied me on the basis of "learning war no more." That always really puzzled me. Made me a bit angry even.


  • Gopher
    Jesus started something different. He founded a new nation that wasn't tied to a geographical location.

    This is pure idealism. You say he founded a "new nation". That's what his followers say. Others say he was a failed revolutionary against the Roman Empire, executed for his revolt.

    There have been so many different and feuding interpretations about this supposed savior of mankind and his teachings. JW's are just one of a multitude of religions claiming to have the truth, while causing chaos and division as I stated earlier.

    John Lennon was talking about old religion - the kind that are cheerleaders for killers.

    You can spin it this way if you want, but Lennon didn't say "old religion". Lennon wrote his song about all things that divide mankind, including religion.

    Jehovah's Witnesses stand out in stark contrast on this issue.

    JW's are not the only religion that do not go to war.

  • proplog2

    Gopher: It really doesn't matter to me if Jesus was a space alien. What DOES matter is that whoever he was or wasn't the Bible presents a character who was unambiguously against participating in war. His teachings resonated with enough people over a 2 thousand year period so that close to 2 billion claim to follow him. The strange thing is that most Christians have no idea that going into the military is contrary to Christ's teachings. In this 21st century there are still over a thousand JW's throughout the world who are serving time in prison because of their refusal to participate in war. Whoever Jesus was he foretold that most of his followers would fall away. Crusades, World Wars could not have been fought if Christian Churches taught what Christ taught. There are always those naive war mongers who argue that we would all be under a German dictatorship if Christians refused to fight. But what if German Christians had refused to fight? What if the German Churches excommunicated any members who would join Hitler's Army. That would have been the end of the matter.


    Proplog2..It`s true JW`s don`t go to War.....However.....They do support an organization that recieve`s Profits from War.....The WBT$ and I,are Fellow Shareholders in a corporation that is invested in War!..The Rand Cam Engine Corp.....I own 500 Shares in Rand Cam.....The WBT$ owns 50% of the Shares in Rand Cam!!.....Jehovah`s Witness`s are Pawn`s ,in a complex Game...............Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • proplog2

    Outlaw: I've read a lot of the stuff about rand. I probably should re-read it. I am sure, that, the Watchtower being the Pharisees they are have some kind of explanation that they feel gets them off the hook. But, even if the Watchtower Corporation does something stupid it doesn't do away with their tradition of individual refusal to serve in the military.

  • erynw
    it doesn't do away with their tradition of individual refusal to serve in the military.

    I'm confused I guess about what kind of response you're expecting.

    Yes, loyal hard core dubs don't join the military.

    That in and of its self does not negate the rest of the deplorable acts that they commit against their own members.

    They may not shoot at other human beings in a war situation, but they are just as bloodguilty as those who do.

  • davegod

    I think you are trying to say, what a stupid thread. The refusal to go to war would have served Joshua and David no purpose. Jehovah is a god of war. The first thing Jesus did is sling tables in the temple and curse out the saducee's. These two love an conflict. Jehovah kills babies to make an point. Jesus is his son/him/one of some/ maybe three, the point is. Someone is going to die! These two are not negotiators. JW's are missing the point!

  • Junction-Guy

    One thing you failed to mention is that JW's have no choice when it comes to war, they are forbidden under the threat of disassociation and shunning, they are a CULT.

    Im sure there are many JW's who would love a career in the military, especially teenage members, but they are forbidden because they are in a CULT.

    I would have loved to had a military career, but it was not only forbidden, but there was no point in it due to the lying 1914 generation doctrine.

    I have much more respect for a religion that allows its members the freedom to join the military, instead of forcing them away from it. I believe they should totally strip away their non-profit tax exempt status, simply on this one point alone.

  • proplog2


    Apparently you have been isolated from human organizations EXCEPT for JW's.

    The early Christian's were a motley bunch too!

    Does "superfine apostles" ring a bell?

    What about Jewish Christians not wanting to eat with Gentile Christians?

    "Actually fornication is reported among you and such fornication as is not even among the nations"

    "Really, then, it means altogether a defeat for you that you are having lawsuits with one another"

    "I am writing you to quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man."

    So please tell us what extraordinarily bad things JW's do and explain how their bad things are worse then what other humans do.

    You will find exactly the same kind of human badness in all religions, Catholic, Muslims, ...

    But, on top of that these other religions can't let a decade go by without killing people on the battlefield. That's what this thread is about.

    Please give credit where credit IS DUE. Or do you all prefer to be hypocrites. Are you all afraid of offending your fellow JW haters?

  • Junction-Guy

    I gave credit where it is due, and I admit they dont go to war. I dont agree with their stance, and I dont believe in their high pressure tactics to keep people from joining the military.

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