Anyone else glad to see x-mas over?

by eclipse 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • brinjen

    I work in a supermarket so very glad to not have to listen to those carols playing non-stop, not to mention not having to wear those crappy aprons the boss had us all wearing. I worked Christmas Eve and as predicted, half of Darwin left their shopping until the last day so we were flat out all day.

    Now it's time for the sales!


  • wanderlustguy

    I'm glad to see it over. There's just too many bad memories mixed in with the hope for some good ones.

  • eclipse

    Thanks everyone!

    I wasn't really complaining about the holiday itself, more about what was going on

    on that day.

    The stores being closed only made that day feel longer and more like a prison sentence,

    I could not wait for the night to end and morning to come.

    Take care all, and I'm glad that mostly your holidays were happy and merry.

  • freydi

    Well, mine wasn't exactly merry, Eclipse. I'm glad it's over. Now I can concentrate on April 15th. Shalom.

  • bigwilly

    Yes & No

    Yes's - xmas music, bell ringers, fake santa's, fake people, crowded stores, closed stores, etc all give me nervous tick and make me want to break people/things.

    No's - I got to rediscover family as well as realize the value of some of my friends. I like giving and recieving things and got to eat better than average.

    My xmas started out a bit lonely on Monday afternoon and I was a bit mopey and out of sorts, by last night I had a much different outlook. So it wasn't too bad despite my Scroogelike approach to the whole holiday.

    Eclipse, I'm sorry to hear yours sucked. I hope future xmas experiences are better for ya. Pleas accept an early New Years smooch!

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    I like all the lights and decorations. "Its the season to be jolly ..ta lala la la ...." But Xmas day is boring for me, everything is closed, nothing to do or go :-( watch TV and just the same 'Jesus' movies on all the time

  • worldtraveller

    Hell ,no!!!!!!. Much more to come. My birthday in 4 days. New Years Eve in 5. Then a whole year to watch the flowers and the fruit to start all over again. I guess that never being a Witness, they never got to suck the fun out of me. Here's to never growing up!!!!!

  • serendipity

    I'm glad it's over because I dislike crowds and traffic.

  • Hortensia

    well, yes and no. All I ever do is work, so getting a few days off is nice. However, ate too many calories yesterday, don't want to sabotage my diet, so I'm glad the foot part is over.

  • AGuest

    Personally, I love ANY "day" ("holi" or otherwise) if it's a day OFF WORK (whatever "work" may be) that is NOT a Saturday or Sunday (those don't count!)... or weekday that I have to use to do "business." And I don't care what's being "celebrated" or by whom - more power to you and "happy whatever" to whomever ("to him that calls for the honor... the honor"...)!!

    I particularly like the fact that not only do I not need to "be" anywhere (excluding invited events)... there's really no where (open) for me to be!

    The GREATEST of peace... and a GREAT 2008 to you all!

    SA (on her own and looking forward to next the Saturday-Tuesday off period, which is only a week away - YEE-HAAAA!!)

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