Why you still go on Field Service? Why Elders posts on JWD?

by tooktheredpill 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • VoidEater

    What do you think?

    I think that it's a difficult place to be, and a process to go through. Eventually, perhaps the pain of doing nothing will exceed the pain of chnage.

    For my own part, I think I would be doing a grave disservice to people by enticing them into a religion I didn't believe in - not to mention perpetuating the horror of getting them trapped inside, when I know that they could very well be soon in my predicament - trapped inside a something I don't believe in but can't escape from.

    Who of us would actively recruit others into a prison? That's a question to balance against, Who wants to lose their family, friends, and socail standing?

  • Zico

    Note that Truthsearcher just asked a question, she didn't criticise or call anyone a hypocrite.

    Though I'll echo what others have said, Field Service is only successful when the Jehovah's Witness is really determined to find a study and works very hard. A Jehovah's Witness that does not want success will not have success.

  • sammielee24
    Who of us would actively recruit others into a prison? That's a question to balance against, Who wants to lose their family, friends, and socail standing

    Good analogy VoidE. Very good.

    What would a person do? Is the answer a true test of their character then?

    If you are told to sentence an innocent man to life in prison or possibly never speak to your own family again - what would you/we do? Would we stop and think about the fact that this innocent man also has a family and the damage we would do to them by our actions? Would we think about the fact that we are taking away his future? Would we think about what might happen to him when he is released and alone with nobody to help him? Or would we think of ourself first and our needs? ...and what if we did sentence that innocent person to life in prison for the chance to remain on good terms with our own family - only to have one of our own children evenutally opt out and choose the path we did not, then how would we reconcile our past actions that altered the life of another perhaps to the point of death? Interesting - made me think of this in a different way. Thank you. sammieswife.

  • mentalclearness

    The last few years I can honestly say I did my utmost not to succeed in field service. I don't think it's that difficult. Just don't leave magazines. Talk about practical things like improving family life etc....I had zero studies and sis absolutely no return visits. So I think you can go out in field service and still maintain a pretty o.k. conscience. I didn't recruit anybody that's for sure. And thinking back on it many true believing witnesses were doing the same....so much for effective preaching work...

  • ninja

    do what's best for yourself..........I caused a bit of disruption in my family and circle of friends when leaving....but me being me.....I couldn't go along with something I knew was false....but I know a couple of others who are doing the same thing at a different pace and different way

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    I have not read all the posts on here but as for me, I still go Field service because I don’t want the WTS to win, why should I let allow them to break up my family and friends, according to the apostle Paul, we are fighting a spiritual fight, I thought I was fighting against Christian but I am fighting against the WTS. As far as field service is concerned, I feel OK about it because I still believe very much in God and that this is the last days, I preach to them this and maybe even read verse’s but I just leave it at that and don’t promote the WTS.

  • changeling

    As I've posted on here before, I am of the "I dont get it" class when it comes to elders who don't believe.

    I'm not saying you should come "out of the closet" and get DF'd, but it IS possible to fade even with all your family "in". I and many others on this board are living proof of that fact.

    The first thing I did when I discovered that the UN fiasco was true, was to stop field service cold turkey. My reasoning was, how could I, even by my very presence in the territory, invite others to become JW's?

    Over the next eight months I slacked off my meeting attendance and I have not been to a meeting since April.

    Of course this caused my witness family (parents, child) great distress. But since then they have learned that I am not "dangerous", I am still the loving mom and daughter I always was.

    Everyone's concience and circumstances are different, and we should not judge others as to the time it takes them to "leave" once they realize "the truth" is a sham. But an elder is by definition a person others look up to, he is in a position of trust. I just don't know how trustworthy a person is who keeps such a position when he no longer believes.


  • worldtraveller

    If you truly support the Watchtower and have no doubts in you mind, then you truly support ALL of the goings on in the Society. That includes the pedophaelia, all the false prophesy, all the lies, all the suicide, all the control, all the shunning and so on.

    Call it what you want ( other than hypocracy) , but where does it say in the bible to do these things in a righteous way? Denial, as witnesses do, cannot cause it to not exist. ) I have heard that cock and bull story too many times.

    Do what you need to get out. Do nothing and you are one of them.

  • tooktheredpill

    Note that Truthsearcher just asked a question, she didn't criticise or call anyone a hypocrite.

    Zico and all: I want to apologize if I gave the impression that Truthsearcher called me any names. As English is not my first language, sometimes is kind of difficult for me to express myself.

    I have been exchanging emails with Truthsearcher for almost a month, and she is one of the kindest people I've found here in the forum. She always have encouraging words for me, and I'm very grateful for her help.

    Sorry for the confusion!!

  • GentlyFeral

    If I were still a jaydub and trying to fade, going in field service would not bother me particularly. Even when I believed, when I was praying for Bible studies – even when I was auxiliary pioneering I never got Bible studies or even fruitful return visits. I got one Bible study in over 20 years of door-to-door preaching. And I was trying to bring them in.

    These days, most converts are RAW (Raised A Witness); and most of those leave eventually.

    The barriers to entry are already high enough that we don't really have to pull many punches – most jaydubs, whether "undercover apostates" or not, are already pummeling the air.

    gently feral

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