Jehovah's Witnesses and the UN

by isnrblog 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • isnrblog

    Just a warning to all you JW's. I was JW for 50 years and am now an apostate. I left the orgaization becasue of all the contradictions

    in the Witness literature. I was amused when i learned how the Society had been a NGO memeber of the United Nations for 10 years and quit once it was made public by a British Newspaper.

    The Society's lame excuse was that in order to use the library, they had to be NGO or non governmental organization, They claim ti was tantamount to getting a library card, There are two types of NGO's and BOTH are required to support the UN charter, which contains things the Witnesses are definitly against.

    The questaion is why is there no references to their membership in their literature and why did they quit when it became public, if there is nothing wrong with it?

  • yesidid

    Thank you for that information.

  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    its true when my father ex JW asked my aunt JW loyalist about the UN thing she commented............. "oh that was just for a library card"

    her eyes stared forward ......................

  • llbh

    Hi isnrWelcome,

    The reason they do not tell you about the UN is simple, they know that once one glaring contradiction is exposed, people will might examine the whole edifice and leave .

    This to me was a big thing though not the reason i left.

    regards llbh

  • Gopher

    The WT Society was affiliated with the UN / DPI as an NGO (not as a member, because the WTS is not a government).

    They should have been upfront with their members about their affiliation if it were something noble. But instead they kept it hush-hush, and slyly inserted favorable articles into their Awake magazine about the UN throughout the 1990's.

    It was a delicate balancing act -- bashing the UN as "the image of the beast" in the Watchtower magazine while simultaneously praising UN accomplishments in Awake! It's all spiritual food at the proper time.

  • hawkaw

    I always try to give my link when I talk about this. I updated this essay (with the help of Osarif) to add the WT magazine articles that banned such type of behaviour.

    Frankly, when a JW actually takes the rose coloured glasses off and then really thinks this through carefully it usually hits home as to what this leadership truly is.

    A JW would have been dissassociated for getting the same library card the way the leadership got its library card. Oddly they could have received the same use and access of the library books and literature as I do by going to another library that has access to the UN library.

    And to top it off, if the library card (that probably cost the leadership a few thousand dollars in employee time and adminstration costs) was okay for the leadership for ten plus years then why was it not okay for those poor Malawian JW folks to purchase that 25 cent political card rather than get raped, beaten and murdered.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Welcome to the board.

    Ya know, I just got finished in a discussion with JW's about the UN thing and am blown away by how many basically wash over the whole thing with nary a thought for all that it means.

    I am so thankful to hear your story.

    You get a three thumbs up from today for making my morning.

  • momzcrazy

    Welcome to JWD. This was a shock to me when I went to the UN's own site and saw their letter in response to all the emails. I sent it to my zealous mil, but she has yet to mention it.

    What does everyone think, should I send it to my mom, who is not speaking to me?


  • hawkaw

    Besides the 1991 and 1994 letters from Hoeffel you will also need those articles like the 1991 "Their refuge - a lie" article to really make the point stick.

    If she becomes receptive, try a questioning style approach and get her to go there instead of you feeding her.


  • momzcrazy

    Thank you hawkaw. Hopefully she won't ignore my email. But all we can do is try, right?


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