It obviously meant something when it was officially referred to for 9 yrs. I know they deny that they implied it would be Armageddon, so OK, Then what was it all about? Have they ever brought it up again? Or has it become the red headed step child kept in the basement?
Okay, so what is the significance of 1975 ?
by Gregor 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Right the first time: The Doctrine of 1975 is the red-headed child kept in the basement.
- Some Watchtower scholar may be able to pinpoint exactly when 1975 was last explicitly referred to in a Watchtower publication.
- More difficult to pinpoint would be when the Watchtower made the last indirect reference to 1975.
Look at the September/October 1975 WT bound volume.
They claimed 1975 marked 6,000 years of man being on earth, or that Adam was created 6,000 years prior. They then concluded that it would usher in the 7th millenium and Armageddon with it.
When nothing happend they said it was because nobody knows when Eve was created...
Yes, I recall the Eve loophole. But for all the hoopla and of course the great influx of new converts it takes a lot of balls to just say "never mind".
Nathan Natas
They've never repudiated their claim about 1975 being Adam's 6,000th birthday. When they're asked about it now, they just mumble a bit and come back with, "so... hey! How 'bout those Mets?"
For the past 32 years we've been 'treading water," waiting to see just how long Adam was ALONE in paradise before Eve was created.
I'll bet that some days the lads in Brooklyn wish they were Seventh Day Adventists, who solved their chronology problem a long time ago. How? They say that we are now IN the Millennium. As a result, they are good to go for about the next 900 years. (Pay no attention to the fact that there is absolutely no proof of this assertion.)
As already mentioned, creation did not end with Adam, but with the creation of Eve, so it is unknown when the 6000 years ended.
Whatever the Watchtower said about 1975 must be wrong. According to Watchtower theology the end of the 1000 year reign of Christ should coincide with the end of the 7000 year day of rest, when Jesus hands back the kingdom. However, there has been so much shifting of dates that this can not happen. Under the date doctrine Barbour promoted, 1874 was when the 6000 years from creation ended, and it was to coincide with Jesus earthly 1000 rulership beginning. As time goes on the whole Adentist date doctrine is falling apart, and with it Watchtower date doctrine as well.
1975 may still have meaning.
It had been whispered that Eve must have come 30 years after Adam because David became King at 30 and Jesus began his ministry at 30. Oops, that would have been 2005.
Well Moses found out he was a Hebrew at the age of 40 and the sons of Israel wondered in the wilderness for 40 years. Let's try 2015 and see what happens.
More importantly, 1975 was the year I was born.
When nothing happend they said it was because nobody knows when Eve was created...
Back in the late 1950's I distinctly remember seeing some charts showing Adam's creation in 4026 B.C. and discussions about the 6,000 + 1,000 year reign of Christ. I asked a CO if this wouldn't mean that Armageddon would come in 1975. He said "no" because we didn't know when Eve was created - also we didn't know how long Armageddon would take. It blew my mind when the book, "Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Son's of God" came out listing 1975 as the beginning of the 1,000 year reign of Christ. I should have walked away right then.....but like a good JW, I hung in there.