Guess who came to our house on Christmas Day...

by exwitless 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • exwitless

    If you guessed DUBS, you're right. It was around 11:30 a.m., just as I was lazily dozing off on the couch, exhausted because my 9 year old woke me up at 5:30 a.m. (he couldn't wait any longer to look through his stocking!). I was rudely awakened to the sound of a car door slam in our driveway. I peeked out to see a well-dressed man and his poor son who looked about 12 years old approaching our door.

    "Crap! It's Witnesses!" I said to my husband. I didn't know them, but I knew they were dubs (there's no mistaking that look.) I went into my music room to sorta hide, because I was wearing shabby old pajama pants and an over-sized t-shirt. (Plus, I didn't feel like talking to them.)

    So LDB answers the door. The man says something like 'We're out today to just share a message from the Bible. blah, blah, blah...Wouldn't the world be a better place if people had that cheerful "holiday spirit" year-round?'

    LDB says, "Probably. But, uh, are you Witnesses?"

    "Yes!" says the man.

    "Well, then you probably would want to know that we're disassociated." says LDB.

    "Oh. OK. Have a nice day." says the man as he backs away, fearful that he might have already stayed too close to our house too long to avoid catching our evil. And they left.

    I felt sorry for the boy. If I'd had my wits about me, I would've offered him some of our over-abundant Christmas candy.

    That was the first time any dub has come to our home since we DA'd. And he didn't know we were DA'd. I bet that made for a good story back at the KH!

  • JWdaughter

    Man, coming before noon on Christmas day is hardcore. Poor kid! Was this your son's first Christmas?

  • JWdaughter

    Man, coming before noon on Christmas day is hardcore. Poor kid! Was this your son's first Christmas?

  • exwitless

    Nope, this was our son's 2nd Christmas. I'd say he was more excited this year than he was last year, because this time he knew exactly what to expect.

    I don't recall ever going out in service on a major holiday. I felt bad enough bugging people on normal weekends. There were a few of those go-getters in our cong. who were always out on Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc.

  • LoverOfTruth

    I certainly hope that little boy's parents had something fun planned for later in the day. There are some hard core JWs who made their kids suffer through the holidays. Then there were others who wanted their kids to experience being children so they planned movies, swimming or other neat activities.

  • anewme

    I was coerced into doing RVs on Christmas Day way back in the 70s.
    It was mortifying to bother people while they are still in their jammies wading through wrapping paper to their front doors, the sounds of toys, tv and laughter in the background, the smells of bacon and toast and loved ones calling them to breakfast, while we kept them at the doors allowing a stiff cold winter breeze to blow through their loved filled warm happy houses.

    I have always felt empathy for the householders. I am an empathetic person. And so going door to door was always a struggle to justify.

    I accomplished the ministry despite my misgivings about the whole thing. However when I was losing interest in the religion back in 2000 it became unbearable to participate in it. I had nightmares about door to door service for years afterwards. I dreamed of bothering people at night, in my underwear, and no Bible, and was embarrassed to explain myself and my intentions at their door.

  • justhuman

    Well you could ask him to come home and ask him few things about the "truth"...offer them some nice Chrismas cakes, and after you seed in his controled brain apostate ideas from this forum, you could give to the little boy a small present and farewell them...

  • hillbilly

    He would have never made the porch at my place. They are Nimrods.

    I told an elder once that those "worldly folks' were entitled to one day of their own... and stayed home myself, after he tried to brow-beat me into service on Christmas and New Years day.


  • chickpea
    It was mortifying to bother people while they are still in their jammies wading through wrapping paper to their front doors, the sounds of toys, tv and laughter in the background, the smells of bacon and toast and loved ones calling them to breakfast, while we kept them at the doors allowing a stiff cold winter breeze to blow through their loved filled warm happy houses.

    that is so the definition of a buzz kill

  • freeme

    1) "oh we're really not part of satans world - were recognized when just walking up the driveway!"

    2) "were nice to everyone! even da'ed ones!"

    3) "at least were going from door2door even on holidays - the important sign of the one true religion according to the bible!"

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