I know this one brother who misses loads of meetings, yet when he talks, he sounds very zealous about preaching and finding interested ones.
I can't quite wrap my mind over this - how can you be zealous for service yet hardly turn up at the hall?
by truthseeker 10 Replies latest jw friends
I know this one brother who misses loads of meetings, yet when he talks, he sounds very zealous about preaching and finding interested ones.
I can't quite wrap my mind over this - how can you be zealous for service yet hardly turn up at the hall?
We had a bro like that in Watkins Glen when I was there. He was a RABID witness they type that would literally gnaw on your leg. He had four kids all left the troof. Him and his wife were sparatic at best. Sometimes we would go MONTHS without seeing Ted then he would be back and rabid again... Then off for another two or three months. He did this cycle the whole time I went to that hall. From when I was four or five until I was eighteen...
The "brother(??????)" that scammed me into the lie was similar to that. He was extremely zealous at times when he went out in field circus, and forced that into me. He wanted me to get rid of any LP with even one questionable song on it, to pioneer, and to follow strict dress codes. He wanted me to waste $10 on a call book and another $8 on 3 packs of call cards (100 to a pack) because it looked more professional. And he would imply that he expected me to be out in field circus all day long, every day.
This same person would later himself go inactive. He got disfellowshipped for adultery about 3 years after I got scammed, and took 2 more to get reinstated. At that, I thought I was in for a long period of getting dragged out in field circus, and being forced to pioneer. He started that crap up for about 3 months after, at which point he went inactive. That lasted another slightly more than 2 years, and then he started up gung-ho again. He wanted to be my everything at that time, getting me into pioneering (that was about the time the just-meet-men disaster hit, and the Puketower blaming poor innocent Satan for doing this). Needless to say, I refused to move in with him.
That lasted about a year. Following that, he went inactive again. After a few years, he was disfellowshipped for associating with a disfellowshipped person. That lasted 2 years, and then he was reinstated again. Since then, he has been active. By then, however, I was fading and was not about to let him talk me into pioneering again. Ultimately, I totally cut him off by blowing off all the meetings and not going out in field circus.
I don't know why he got reinstated. The first time, I can see because Internet was not widely available. But, the second time, Beyond Jehovah's Witnesses and H2O were available for him to land on. All he would have had to do was to land on one of those while he was disfellowshipped, and read it through. Maybe he wouldn't have found it worthwhile to go back. Then again, then his relatives (one of whom has been talking about my living with them) would not talk to him after that.
This cult seems to be a magnet for wing nuts. I remember as a kid, my Dad (the rabid elder) would befriend all these "new associates". I'm sure it was just so that he could encourage them to grow in "the truth"(tm). It just seems strange and now kind of angers me that he introduced all these, for lack of a better word, WIERDOS into our families lives. What really would pi$$ me off is sometimes I would get to know and like some of these people or their kids (the ones that I would like would usually know what they were getting into and run like hell). Then everytime they would fade or stop coming to meetings I would have to hear this long diatribe from Dad about how selfish and stupid these people were.
I remember this very zealous nurse. She was a hippie in the 60s and still probably wears those kind of clothes to this day. She was a very nice person and everyone loved her. She would talk about how she talked to people at work and was always bringing people with her to the KH. She never once went out into field service (I never asked why) and because of that the brothers never let her get baptized. I found it funny that she had more "success" and brought more people into the "truth" than the pioneers and never once went out in field service.
Her meeting attendance was slim pickings too. She came about twice a month. The reason she gave was that she was 45 minutes from the hall and going at night with her schedule was nearly impossible. They never understood and gave her examples of people who tracked through swamps to come to the meetings.
I wonder where she is today.
I can't quite wrap my mind over this - how can you be zealous for service yet hardly turn up at the hall?
Maybe all that "zeal" was simply a smoke screen for lack of interest. I mean, what proof was there he went out in field service anyway?
I think there probably were individuals like this in my hall ... but I was too busy missing meetings and field service to notice.
hi truthseeker, i am exactly the type of person you describe in your post. i think it has to do with the bipolar personality. the logic is this: i feel that the meeting is boring and so i miss it.And with whatever time and energy you have saved on you channel that to the field service work
but such thinking seems crazy