Abrahams wife Sarah was actually his half sister

by evergreen 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Justahuman24
    evergreen, what is more amazing is that he impregnated both of them in one evening................pretty potent old man.


    Re-read the Bible account about Lot sleeping with his daughters. It does'nt say it was in "one evening". It says one was one day and the other one was the next day. But they had to get him drunk both days for it to happen. And it also specifically says Lot "did not know when she lay down and when she got up." (Genesis 19:33)

    Justahuman - but super nonetheless

  • nelly136

    i dont doubt that someone could get that drunk they wouldnt care what they were doing and could be taken advantage of and my sympathies to anyone who finds themselves in that predicament.

    but i'm a bit sceptical over Lot, he was drunk enough not to recognise or care he was bedding his own daughters but still managed to do both and make them both pregnant and still be too far gone to know which way was up (or not)

    if he was that far gone would he have been capable?


    A common cause of erectile dysfunction. Alcohol is commonly used to 'loosen things up' before sex or on a night out. Problem is, alcohol dilates (widens) your blood vessels. If you manage to get an erection, the alcohol keeps the blood vessels to your penis open, the blood drains out and you're left hanging in limpland.

  • evergreen
    Also, the Bible doesn't say God "endorsed" it. Just because it's in the Bible, doesn't mean or imply that God wanted it to happen.

    I whole heartedly agree with this statement. The example of Jacobs sons taking revenge because of what happened to Dinah their sister is a clear example. In vs 30 of chapter 34, Jacob was troubled because of his sons actions. It is sometimes hard to read between the lines, as the bible in these accounts tends to get straight to the point.

    Looking at the whole picture helps us to see that such blatant disrepect for the leader of Gods people (Jacob) at that time had terrible consequences. What Shechem did was a dishonor, not only to the leader of Gods people Jacob/Israel but a mark of disrespect and mockery to God himself. Whether endorsed or not, the outcome was that this whole unfortunate episode now made Gods people stand out amongst the cities throughout the region (Gen 35:5).

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    ok for a split second I was like no his wife's name was Mary Todd, ha ha ha

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