2007 WTS Statistics - Massive memorial partakers increase this year.

by LtCmd.Lore 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • LtCmd.Lore

    This year, according to the 2008 year book, there were 9,105 partakers.

    I guess now that they have permission to be annointed from the WTS they decided to jump on board.

    Who won? http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/133255/1.ashx

    Here are the statistics, as found on page 31 of the 2008 yearbook:

    2007 Grand Totals:

    Branches of Jehovahs Witnesses: 113

    Number of Lands Reporting: 236

    Total Congregations: 101,376

    Worldwide Memorial attendance: 17,672,443

    Memorial Partakers Worldwide: 9,105

    Peak of Publishers in Kindgom Service: 6,957,852

    Average Publishers Preaching Each Month: 6,691,790

    Percentage of Increase over 2006: %3.1

    Total Number Baptized: 298,304

    Average Aux Pioneers each month: 312,741

    Average Pio Publishers each month: 659,391

    Total Hours Spent in field: 1,431,761,554

    Total Hours Spent on coffee break: 1,410,860,721

    Average Home Bible studies each month: 6,561,426


    Lore - w.w.s.d?

  • hillbilly

    maybe the buzzword will change to 'the perpetual 8500' in the near future.


  • Zico

    I wonder if this is why they aren't studying the statistics in the WT this year, they're so used to it being 8000ish they would actually have noticed the strange increase this year.

  • LtCmd.Lore

    Attempting to update title...

  • LtCmd.Lore

    So, last year, it was


    this year it's


    That's an increase of 347. Does anyone know when was the last time the memorial partakers was over 9000?

  • kifoy


    Does anyone know when was the last time the memorial partakers was over 9000?

    Take a look at this thread here: Memorial Partaker totals for 72 years by request!
    According to this, it was in 1986.


  • LtCmd.Lore

    Thanks kifoy.

    And even then it was still lower than this year!

    The last time the memorial partakers was higher than this was in 1984 and there were 9,292.

  • chickpea
    Total Hours Spent on coffee break: 1,410,860,721

    i am pretty certain these hours are under-reported by about half....

  • SirNose586

    The funniest thing was that my hall chose to hide the QFR with the New Policy New Light(TM) until after the memorial.

    They had plenty of issues after the May 1st, but for some reason they didn't have that one for everyone. I asked an elder, and he said they "got lost."

    Yeah ok.

  • WTWizard

    This is the beginning of a new trend. You stop publishing previous year's figures and start disfellowshipping people for pulling out last year's actual printed figures from the official source and the year before that from the official source. Hey! A new way to do apostasy.

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