My biology teacher in High School was very very pro evolution and was only tooo happy to tear into the JW's in the class. This was right after the "creation" book came out and a few of the local witnesses just couldn't WAIT to jump this guy with it... It DIDN'T go well for them I'm afraid! Now I really regret the fact that I couldn't have cared less and didn't pay any attention to the entire discussion. I might have woke up much earlier!
The Pastafarians Strike Again -- Florida ID proponents back down!
by parakeet 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
We all applauded her for her honesty.
Yea!!! Yea for ignorance!! clap. clap. clap.
And lo! Our pastaness is but a pale comparison, overdone and sticky, in comparison to such perfect pastaness as His. Has his noodly appendage touched thee? If not, eat unto Him for He shall never faileth to sustain thee.