Top signs that JWs are a CULT

by Black Man 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • worldtraveller

    Obves: there is nothing good about a cult. Anything that has only an entrance with no exit cannot possibly be good for anyone. Even you.

    Happy New Year to you, from all of us.

  • Honesty

    OBVES, it is apparent that the Jehovah's Witness religion satisfies some inner need you have.


    The practice of "shunning" is a sure sign of a cult. If you get in the cult's bad books, you are shunned. This practice divides families. While it is true the bible warns that religion divides families, shunning is not Jesus' way, since he did not discriminate in his associations. Jesus merely was stating what kind of practices a dangerous cult might use to keep its members in line.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    All the lists of cultic features are very interesting, but I would offer a simpler criterion. To me, cults DIMINISH their followers by requiring them to give up their individuality for the cult.

    Some can say that the Society had musicians and artists, and I would ask if those people developed their talents AFTER becoming a Dub or BEFORE?

    I submit that very few children raised in Dubdom were encouraged to become all they could be. Talents of all sorts were beat down until they were extinguished.

    Go ahead - point at the Jacksons or the Williams sisters - they did what they did IN SPITE OF the disapproval of the WTB&TS. They defied the Society (who only influenced their maternal units) to make their achievements, and I will insist that whatever they did would have been greater still if they did not have the Watchtower millstone around their necks.

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