Without using the Bible.........

by searcher 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • searcher

    .......Prove that the Bible is true.


  • WTWizard

    Mission impossible. Not only that, I think it would be easier to prove the Bible wrong using the Bible itself! The circular arguments, glorifying people that walk in and destroy nations for just minding their own business, and God carrying out gross injustice, and then praising the same God, all prove that the Bible is falsehood.

  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    i think deep down your heart will tell you the truth ..............

  • LtCmd.Lore

    ... Sounds' like a weird request.

    I don't think it would be possible even if it WERE inspired of god.

    Can you prove that the diary of Ronald Reagan is true without using the diary of Ronald Reagan?

  • searcher

    Can you prove that the diary of Ronald Reagan is true without using the diary of Ronald Reagan?

    I have never read it but I would start by looking at what others of the same time and place said to see if the accounts matched up.

  • AuldSoul

    Without referring to yourself, prove that you are real.

    Does your inability to do so make you imaginary, or are the test constraints unreasonable?

  • AuldSoul

    Here's a challenge for you: Without referring to the natural world, prove that evolution is true.

  • Awakened07

    Yeah, I think perhaps "without using the Bible" is a little too strict a constraint.

    "Only by referring to the Bible", you could prove through archeology and ancient texts that some of the people and places did exist, at least in some form or another.

    But that would probably be it. After all, the main "point" of the Bible as a whole (today) is that it tells of the supernatural. Which can't be proven; except perhaps on a personal level. But on a personal level, you could also take drugs and the existence of giant spiders would be proven to you.

    Personally I can't say I see the supernatural fingerprint on it. But hey, if people do and don't harm anyone because of it...

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    Without inhaling ......prove that air exists......... without gravity....prove you'll fall... without the sense of touch....show me love... Yada yada yada......prove ta me seinfeld was funny.... The bible has some fact , and some fiction...which part do you want proved true?...there are many authors....over thousands of years....are you serious?...I smell a fake...either that or just someone who's desperatley questioning their beliefs..(not unlike myself in the past). You should do some homework friend. Then I'll welcome you amongst the numerous agnostics on this site. PS.

  • snowbird

    Without using the Bible ... prove that it isn't true.

    Do you see the absurdity?


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