So what would you find if you only read the Bible?...........

by oompa 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sweetstuff

    Well having read the bible, what I found was this, its a patriarchial book full of good ole boys BS. It has elements of earlier religious writings, mixed in with Kabbulist mysticism and Judiac beliefs. It's like a buffet of crime and punishment with hope and love as the appetizer tray and the possibility of reward as the dessert cart. All and all its an unfufilling meal that makes you wish you had just sprung for the fancy resturant with the quality steak instead.

    It's a one time must try, but it leaves you feeling dissatisfied and still hungry. I won't bother visiting it again, personally.

  • oompa

    so duh....why would anyone listen to anyone after Jesus unless major miricles occured

  • MissingLink

    We weren't putting down God. We were putting down the bible. Big difference.

  • writetoknow

    Not really if you blame God for the bible!

  • writetoknow

    So it's a matter of taste one person likes vanilla ice cream and another likes chocolate! So what's the big deal people don't go to the point of hating someone with another taste?

  • MissingLink
    Not really if you blame God for the bible!

    I don't blame him. I blame a bunch of ancient dudes.

    So it's a matter of taste one person likes vanilla ice cream and another likes chocolate! So what's the big deal people don't go to the point of hating someone with another taste?

    I'm pretty sure this forum is about critical analysis not cheerleading. True the tone is often quite cynical, but can you blame us?

  • writetoknow

    Blames the game isn't it? I thought it was cavalier taste?

  • MissingLink

    You lost me brother. I don't think we're on the same page at all here.

  • writetoknow

    So which is it a serious subject that people believe and are willing to defend or about fun and taste?

  • Fisherman

    I couldnt make heads or tails out of the Bible of not for outside help. Even the Jewsish scholars of Bible imed needed Jessu to explain just what those writings actually mean. Th Bible is written in a riddle form. In my opinion, one cannot figure its meaning on our own, Sure, now after having learned and being influenced so much as to what the Bible means, one can allege that. OG, I can read the Bible on my and I will understand it on my ow. Not so, because you have already been influenced as to how to understand it.

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