Is there a Universal Issue? Did God cheat....yes and I can prove it.

by oompa 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oompa

    Gen. 3:5 For God knows that in the very day of YOUR eating from it YOUR eyes are bound to be opened and YOU are bound to be like God, KNOWING good and bad."

    (Genesis 3:22) 22 And Jehovah God went on to say: "Here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad, and now in order that he may not put his hand out and actually take [fruit] also from the tree of life and eat and live to time indefinite,—"

    Gen 3:22And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

    I awoke this morning and had an epiphiny. It is kind of long, but hang in there, I think you will find it interesting. I sure like Bibles that use the word "forever" rather than "to time indefinate." Who talks like that? I have NEVER heard that phrase except from the NWT. Anyway that is not my epiphiny. Using the insight book, I found very little info on the Tree of Life in Genesis. If it really is an issue, Satan seems to be winning the argument over Gods Sovreignty. If we go by numbers of those faithful to God vs. those not, Satan wins. I do wonder why Adam and Eve did not go eat from the Tree of lLife once they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. So did Satan tell the truth to Eve the truth about becoming like God in knowing good and bad or not? Aparently Jehovah tell Jesus and maybe the angels that Eve had indeed become like them in knowin good and bad. And if we had not studied any religion, and were in prison with only the Bible to read, would we come up with the idea of a Supreme Issue of Universal Sovreignty? We make a very big deal out of this Issue and how it has taken thousands of years of human misery to settle it. I can not find any scriptures that clearly define this issue. The epiphany is at the end. Here is some of what the insight book says about this: ** it-2p.1009Sovereignty ***

    Jehovah’s SovereigntyChallenged. Wickedness has been in existence for nearly all the years that Bible chronology indicates man has been on the earth. All mankind have been dying, and sins and transgressions against God have multiplied. (Ro 5:12, 15, 16) Since the Bible indicates that God gave man a perfect start, the questions have arisen: How did sin, imperfection, and wickedness get their start? And why has the Almighty God allowed these things to remain for centuries? The answers lie in a challenge against God’s sovereignty that brought forth a paramount issue involving mankind.


    God wants in those who serve him. Jehovah God, by his words and acts, has, over the centuries, proved that he is a God of love and undeserved kindness, exercising perfect justice and judgment, and extending mercy to those seeking to serve him. (Ex 34:6, 7; Ps 89:14; see MERCY; RIGHTEOUSNESS.) Even to the ungrateful and wicked he has expressed kindness. (Mt 5:45; Lu 6:35; Ro 5:8) He delights in the fact that his sovereignty is administered in love.—Jer 9:24.

    Accordingly, the kind of persons he desires in his universe are persons who serve him because of love for him and for his fine qualities. They must love God first and their neighbor second. (Mt 22:37-39) They must love Jehovah’s sovereignty; they must desire it and prefer it over any other. (Ps 84:10) They must be persons that, even if it were possible for them to become independent, would choose His sovereigntybecause they know that his rulership is far wiser, more righteous, and better than any other.

    When the human pair Adam and Eve were put on earth, this one saw an opportunity to set out on an attack on God’s sovereignty. First, he would make an attempt (which proved successful) to turn Eve, then Adam, away from subjection to God’s sovereignty. He hoped to establish a rival sovereignty.

    As for Eve, the person approached first, she certainly had not appreciated her Creator and God, and she had not taken advantage of her opportunity to know him. She listened to the voice of an inferior, ostensibly the serpent, actually the rebellious angel. The Bible does not allude to any surprise on her part at hearing the serpent talk. It does say that the serpent was "the most cautious of all the wild beasts of the field that Jehovah God had made." (Ge 3:1) Whether it ate of the forbidden fruit of "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad" and then appeared to be made wise, able to speak, is not stated. The rebellious angel, using the serpent to speak to her, presented (as she supposed) the opportunity to become independent, "to be like God, knowing good and bad," and succeeded in convincing her that she would not die.—Ge 2:17; 3:4, 5; 2Co 11:3.


    point at issue. What was here challenged? Who was reproached and defamed by this challenge of the angel who was later called Satan the Devil, which challenge Adam supported by his rebellious act? Was it the fact of Jehovah’s supremacy, the existence of his sovereignty? Was God’s sovereignty in danger? No, for Jehovah has supreme authority and power, and no one in heaven or earth can take this out of his hand. (Ro 9:19) The challenge therefore must have been of the rightfulness,deservedness,andrighteousness of God’s sovereignty—whether his sovereignty was exercised in a worthy way, righteously, and for the best interests of his subjects or not. An indication of this is the approach to Eve: "Is it really so that God said you must not eat from every tree of the garden?" Here the Serpent intimated that such a thing was unbelievable—that God was unduly restrictive, withholding something that was the rightful due of the human pair.—

    Satan thereby slandered God as to his sovereignty, and God’s servants as to integrity to that sovereignty.He said, in effect, that no man could be put on earth who would maintain integrity to Jehovah’s sovereignty if he, Satan, was allowed to put him to the test.

    Jehovah permitted the issue to be joined. Not, however, because he was unsure of the righteousness of his own sovereignty. He needed nothing proved to himself. It was out of love for his intelligent creatures that he allowed time for the testing out of the matter. He permitted men to undergo a test by Satan, before all the universe.


    Notice that Satan did not state in any way, shape or form that " that no man could be put on earth who would maintain integrity to Jehovah’s sovereignty if he, Satan, was allowed to put him to the test. The thought I woke up with today, that is an epiphany, is that if this really is a Universal Issue, then God has tampered with it badly. The Insight text above states:

    "They must love Jehovah’s sovereignty; they must desire it and prefer it over any other. (Ps 84:10) They must be persons that, even if it were possible for them to become independent, would choose His sovereignty because they know that his rulership is far wiser, more righteous, and better than any other."

    But look at what was happening on earth. Unity, harmony, getting big things accomplished. No mention of hatred or violence. In fact, man was so united that God said they were "one people" and that because of their harmony, "now there is nothing that they may have in mind to do that will be unattainable for them." Does that not sound like mans use of free will was working pretty darn well? So right when man is building cities, living in harmony, God confuses their languages, splits them up and scatters them, and then all kinds of wars followed because all the groups were not in harmony, they were divided now by race or language, or country. Your take please.......OOMPA.....and more BS to come

    (Genesis 11:1-9) 11

    Now all the earth continued to be of one language and of one set of words. 2 And it came about that in their journeying eastward they eventually discovered a valley plain in the land of Shi´nar, and they took up dwelling there. 3 And they began to say, each one to the other: "Come on! Let us make bricks and bake them with a burning process." So brick served as stone for them, but bitumen served as mortar for them. 4 They now said: "Come on! Let us build ourselves a city and also a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a celebrated name for ourselves, for fear we may be scattered over all the surface of the earth."5 And Jehovah proceeded to go down to see the city and the tower that the sons of men had built. 6 After that Jehovah said: "Look! They are one people and there is one language for them all, and this is what they start to do. Why, now there is nothing that they may have in mind to do that will be unattainable for them. 7 Come now! Let us go down and there confuse their language that they may not listen to one another’s language." 8 Accordingly Jehovah scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth, and they gradually left off building the city. 9 That is why its name was called Ba´bel, because there Jehovah had confused the language of all the earth, and Jehovah had scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth

  • Steve J
    Steve J

    If Jehovah/Yahweh is the creator of all things and the Most High, how on earth, or in heaven come to that could his Sovereignty ever be challenged? Didn't Paul say something about the potter and ask can the thing made say to the potter why did you make me?

    If we go by numbers of those faithful to God vs. those not, Satan wins.

    What about the Flood? Surely the issue, if there was one, must have been settled back in Noah's day otherwise God would not have destroyed mankind back then would he?

    Steve J

  • Mincan

    Dude, it's all fairy tales.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    If Jehovah/Yahweh is the creator of all things and the Most High, how on earth, or in heaven come to that could his Sovereignty ever be challenged? Didn't Paul say something about the potter and ask can the thing made say to the potter why did you make me?

    The ability to procreate doesn't make one a good parent.

    The ability to create humans, doesn't make one a good ruler.

    God proved his power, Satan just want's him to prove his right to use that power. Otherwise Jehovah is just a bully, or an abusive parent.

    What about the Flood? Surely the issue, if there was one, must have been settled back in Noah's day otherwise God would not have destroyed mankind back then would he?

    That incident strikes me as similar to a five year old overturning the board as he is about to lose.

    The tower of Bable strikes me as similar to a four year old changing the rules mid-game.

    Making humans imperfect stikes me as similar to a parent cutting off their childs arms and legs and throwing them in a ditch and saying: "So you think you're better off without me huh?" - "WELL NOT LIKE THIS, NO!"

    I'd like to see Satan's challenge actually answered. How well would perfect humans rule themselves?

  • Dagney

    There really is no universal sovereignty issue, IMHO. It's a JW fairy tale as Mincan said.

  • snowbird

    Oompa. Darling Oompa. Searching Oompa. Conflicted Oompa.

    There's no such animal as the Issue of Universal Sovereignty; it's a made-up doctrine - same as the Blood Doctrine.

    Quit fretting yourself about the craziness known as WBTS. It's all gonna be alright in the end.

    Just saying.


  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Oompa, I've had the same thoughts before... here's an excerpt from something I wrote to family and friends when I made my departure:

    The Society teaches that God doesn't step in to "fix" disasters that are about to happen because if he did so, he'd be helping to make Satan's point (see chapter 11 of the Bible Teach book). In other words, if he stepped in and made all bad things turn out okay, people would feel that they were doing okay ruling themselves, and validate Satan's contention that people don't need God.

    That 'teaching', however, doesn't make any sense—God has "stepped in"--indeed, one could say he has tampered--multiple times already. For example, he confused all the languages of the people. The Bible says that he did this because he looked down and saw that "there was nothing that would be impossible for them." ?!?!? God saw that people could do things, so he made it so they couldn't!? That's what I read when I see that verse. We tell people that what that verse means is that God saw that people thought they could do anything. But, that's not what it says. If God saw that people thought they could do anything, he could have left things alone and let them see for themselves that it wouldn't work out, right? AND, he could have inspired the Bible to SAY "And God saw that people thought they could do anything." But that's NOT what it says.

    So, God steps in and confuses the languages of all the people, scattering them from being together and understanding one another. Now, we have nations that fight against one another, cultures that hate each other because they can't really relate, we have racial discrimination, and so much of it is because people can't communicate with one another… and who's fault is that?! GOD'S, according to scripture. HE was the one who confused the languages and the peoples to start with!!

    TIME OUT! A challenge is raised in Eden, you allow the challenge to go forward, and then out of the starting gate you change the rules?!? That's not fair! I'm not saying that I think people should live without God. I'm not saying I want to be a creature independent from God. I certainly don't want to live under the Devil's rule. But I also cannot reconcile what I've been taught about God with his behavior, as documented in the Bible, in situations like this… that's not loving!

    When I used to be an elder, I gave a public talk in which I used an illustration about why God had to allow so much time to pass after the rebellion in Eden. The illustration tried to answer the question of why God did not just destroy Satan and Adam and Eve in the beginning, and start over.

    The illustration was about a horse race. Let's say that I have a horse, and I brag to you and everybody else that my horse is the fastest horse around. Then you come along and say that your horse is faster. You say this in earshot of everyone—everyone who has heard my claim that my horse is the fastest. Now, they wonder—is my horse the fastest, or is yours? So I invite you and your horse, and all those that heard the challenge, to come down to the race track on Saturday and we'll see who has the fastest horse.

    So Saturday comes around, all of our friends are in the stands, excited to see how this challenge will turn out. The bell rings, the gates open, our horses start running, and "BOOM!" I pull out a gun and shoot your horse dead.

    (The audience always gasped at this sudden turn of events)

    The point? If I shot your horse (i.e., if Jehovah had killed Satan), everyone in the audience (i.e., the angels, etc.) would have thought "You know, the challenger's claim was probably TRUE… his horse WAS faster. And the man being challenged was, quite simply, unwilling to let anybody see that!"

    I used this illustration to suggest, as the Society teaches, that the only way to PROVE that my horse was faster than your horse would be to let enough TIME go by for us to get around the track and for me to cross the finish line before your horse did.

    Good illustration. But, as I've just pointed out, if I tampered with your horse by lassoing it's hind legs together (i.e., confusing the languages) after we left the starting gate, would that be any more fair?? I didn't think so either. And yet that's exactly what God has done by not staying entirely 'hands off'; in effect, he's contributed to many of the problems by his confusion of the languages and his 'changing of the rules' after the race started...

  • What-A-Coincidence

    oompa ... to the interpretation of books is to time indefinate - WAC

  • VoidEater

    Russell and Rutherford must have founded a dynasty based on their own parent issues. It's all they ever read into these stories. Disobeying parental authority. Personally, I like the parents that encourage their children to determine what is right and wrong, rather than have to tell their children what is right or wrong in each situation in life.

    Some random thoughts: If God knows everything about us, he knew that Eve and Adam would fall. He would have known also that Satan would challenge him. He did nothing to prevent these things, and then condemned all of mankind (not to mention Satan) to pain and strife for thousands of years.

    God certainly does not want "persons who serve him because of love", according to these Genesis verses he wants ignorant cattle who must ask him what is right and wrong - and apparently that's all he's there for, since that's the only thing that seperates mankind from God (we're like him now).

    Wasn't it a little foolish to plant a tree with - uh, what, mescaline? Was it a peyote cactus? - a Don't Touch sign that a) he knew they would touch and b) actually gave supernatural powers to man right in the middle of the garden? What kind of sado-masochist is this God fellow, anyway?

    Where the WTS inserts imaginary acts on the part of the serpent (appearing to have become wise from it's own eating of the fruit) - and then backpedaling, "Oh, we're not saying this happened" - isn't that a little "1975"?

  • journey-on

    Oompa, I always enjoy your posts because it is so obvious that your brain is engaged and thinking. I, too, love it when I receive something I can call an "epiphany".

    Read about ancient myths and legends then read "The Gods of Eden" by William Bramley. THEN go back and read The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures).

    My thought is Jehovah is/was real. But He is not the Eternal One, the creator of all that is. He came and manipulated Earth's population and convinced

    them he was the God and Creator of Man and was to be obeyed. He instilled fear and awe in these innocent and gullible earthlings and a whole host of stories

    grew up around this awesome and powerful entity. Notice the scripture you quoted said...."he came down" and saw man was banding together. GOD is omni-

    present. The Intelligent Force of Creation does not need to "come down". It is in all and through all and around all. This "god" Jehovah is not The Eternal One.

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