Policy towards df ones are not written in stone. Only one rule, and that is, not discuss spiritual things except if the df is a minor at home. AS far as the wts official position NOW on what will happen to a df one at Armageddon, the wts litterature says that, that is for God to decide.
People get df becuase the elder's BELIEVE that the person is unrepentant. Not because of th act and not because the person is or insnt unrepentant. Thereafter, the person has the burden of showing and convincing the cong of repentance.
Some fanatical(inn my opinion) jws will have nothing to do with a fam memebers because they are df. I think that the wts should instruct jws to love and deal with their family even if such are in a df condition. THEY CAN OF COURSE AND MANY DO! But I think that the wts should make that CLEAR>