by 5go 31 Replies latest social entertainment
I get the feeling it's going to be based on Lovecraft's monster cthulu.
After seeing the trailer and commercial, I still cannot tell what it is about. That translates into me waiting for the HBO Saturday night debut unless more hints are released pronto.
I am going to try to see it the I am a Legend comes first. Time to sell more stuff on eBay.
Looks good. However, most movies released in Jan-March are disappointing. If the studio really felt it was good enough to make money on, they would release it in the busier more successful movie going season. Jan-March have normally one, or two good releases. The rest are movies that will be advertised until released to get big opening weekends and then nothing after word of mouth kills it. I worked in the theatre business as a manager for 5 years, seen this trend over and over yearly.
Looks good. However, most movies released in Jan-March are disappointing. If the studio really felt it was good enough to make money on, they would release it in the busier more successful movie going season. Jan-March have normally one, or two good releases. The rest are movies that will be advertised until released to get big opening weekends and then nothing after word of mouth kills it. I worked in the theatre business as a manager for 5 years, seen this trend over and over yearly.
Looks good. However, most movies released in Jan-March are disappointing.
That, and hiding what your monster looks like isn't a good sign either. The only movie to pull it off successfully was the original Godzilla.
The Cloverfield monster is just a huge mutated whale with legs that has larger than man sized parasites (louse?) all over its body that keep falling off.
For some reason this Mutated-Whale decides to visit the Statue of Liberty, knock her head off, and then take a stroll down Manhattan.
I am not impressed.
What I don't like is the virial ads for the movie. I find them to be a pathetic attempt to generate interest in a movie that probably won't measure up to all the pre-release (non)publicity that it has been granted.