I cannot tell you my name because I am a fader. I am starting this thread since low-key lysmith and momzcrazy were very surprised they are here on JWD on my thread about what congregations they have attended in their lifetime, so who knows we might be surprised for more online reunions.
What is your name?
by averyniceguy 33 Replies latest jw friends
Well growing up I was in Congregations in Adelaide Hills, Port Lincoln, Grafton and Bonville. Im not DF'd but I might send in my DA letter if I can be bothered. Anyone else here from those areas? Anyone remember me?
Lucille McGillicutty
I used to live in NYC.
Married a Cuban man.
Loved my landlords.
My name is Merrill I was a south Redding, Ca. unbaptised publisher. I was two weeks from being baptised when I found out the lies ! Never went back again.
I cannot tell you my name because I am a fader.
Many of us here are also either faders of just don't want our names to be known. You seem to be very inquisitive about the members on this forum which leaves me to be very weary of you and your intentions for all this digging into people's lives and whereabouts.
I'm just saying.....and a reminder to please not give out personal information on JWD this is the Internet and what you put here will stay here forever.
this is the Internet and what you put here will stay her forever.
Will she now?
(Note to self: don't provoke the wrath of the mods, bannination may ensue)
Not telling ya
I don't care who knows, obviously. Chaunte' Salazar Somerville. Sandy, Midvale, Murray, N ogden, UT. And Lebanon and Springfield, TN. I hope that one day everyone here loses the fear of exposure. I hated living under the fear of who will find out.
I was very happy to discover lowkey. Our parents knew each other before we were gleams in our parents eyes. I am so happy someone else I knew is free.
My name is Joe Mamma....
Bikerchic, I would like to find anyone in my past that is here on JWD. I am not scamming anyone or anything like that.