I am needing info about the Ratio of mental Illness in jwdom vs general pop

by sosad 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • dinah


    I think the Witnesses are more appealing to people who are mentally ill. I'm not making fun, just an observation. If you are depressed, hopeless, or suffer from other mental disorders you aren't thinking rationally to see what you are getting into.

    For someone who is born into this religion, I'd bet the statistics would be through the roof. Those who leave seem to always have a rough road at least for a few years. I have so many phobias its plain stupid. It's that constant fear they threw at you at those 5 meetings every freaking week.

    Sosad, keep doing that research, hopefully you can help your brother recover.

  • steve2
    I think the Witnesses are more appealing to people who are mentally ill. I'm not making fun, just an observation. If you are depressed, hopeless, or suffer from other mental disorders you aren't thinking rationally to see what you are getting into.

    I agree with Dinah on the question of causality - or more correctly, the propensity to develop a mental illness: depressed and troubled people in general may have a harder time with life anyway - regardless of religious persuasion - and they often seem both attracted to and repelled by religions that offer simplistic solutions. BTW: If we blame the Watchtower Society for members' suicides, we need to also credit them with "saving" the lives of people who were at rock bottom before they converted to the JW system. Fair's fair, I say!

    An important distinction also needs to made regarding which mental illness is being discussed. It does not make much sense to talk about the JW environment causing depression or anxiety, on the one hand (the so-called "neuroses", to use an old psychiatric term) and then switch the discussion to psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia whose etiology is very different from mood and anxiety disorders.

    The question of the incidence of mental illness among the witnesses is a valid one; I just think it is a shame that, to date, most people writing on it, come to some pretty shabbily simplistic conclusions, Bergman being one of the better known and worst examples.

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    There's a lot of fruitcakes in the organisation & Jesus did say by their fruits you will recognise them. So there you have it: all the nutjobs in the org is proof the JW's are the true religion.

  • whereami


  • dinah


    The number of those "saved" vs. the number of those born in who survive pales in comparison.

    The WT breeds mental illness among those indoctrinated from birth. Anyone who came to us as adults, I just can't understand, but they will recover faster than we will.

    I'm thinking the casualties outweigh the "saved" but you keep on believing.

    I love this song, David Bowie---Putting out fire with gasoline.

    See these eyes so green
    I can stare for a thousand years
    Colder than the moon
    It's been so long
    And I've been putting out fire
    With gasoline

    Feel my blood enraged
    It's just the fear of losing you
    Don't you know my name
    Well, you been so long

    See these eyes so red
    Red like jungle burning bright
    Those who feel me near
    Pull the blinds and
    change their minds
    It's been so long

    Still this pulsing night
    A plague I call a heartbeat
    [ Lyrics found at www.mp3lyrics.org/H8j ]
    Just be still with me
    Ya wouldn't believe
    what I've been thru
    You've been so long
    Well it's been so long
    And I've been putting out fire
    with gasoline
    putting out fire
    with gasoline

    See these tears so blue
    An ageless heart
    that can never mend
    These tears can never dry
    A judgement made
    can never bend
    See these eyes so green
    I can stare for a thousand years
    Just be still with me
    You wouldn't believe
    what I've been thru

    You've been so long
    Well, it's been so long
    And I've been putting out fire
    with gasoline
    putting out fire with gasoline

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    This may be the video referred to above:



    Edited to add: Leonard Chretien refers to 3 million JWs and the year 1980, or thereabouts. We can imagine that by this much later date 'expectation postponed is making the heart sick.'

  • hamsterbait

    I am quite frankly sick to death of the number of loopy jdubs who have tried to trample through my life.

    Of all the evil worldlings i know, one or two are eccentric, but all the hardcore cases are dubs, born and bred.

    This report has much going for it.


  • steve2
    I am quite frankly sick to death of the number of loopy jdubs who have tried to trample through my life.

    There's no denying the power of our individual experiences: If we have been exposed to the mad-making behaviours of our witness family members and acquaintances, it's hard to escape the conclusion that something very unhealthy is going on.

    Even so, I venture to add, that the world is over-populated with groups - Christian or otherwise - who elicit the same conclusions about mental illness. Ex-Mormons, ex-Adventists and assorted ex-fundamentalist Christians have groups to support those harmed by the experience. And, to keep it in perspective, people whose convictions compel them to board planes and fly them into tall buildings make JW mental-issues small potatoes by comparison.

    Overstatement about the supposed higher incidence of mental illness among JWs is understandable. But I never let personal conviction and emotion about anything supplant calm scientific observation and a dose of common sense. F roth at the mouth all you like about the higher incidence of mental illness among JWs all you like, but they're actually in very common company with so many other groups.

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