To the making of many books there is no end...

by darth frosty 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I was just thinking about this scripture in ecclesiastes 12:12 "To the making of many books there is no end , and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh."

    The BORG loves to use this scripture when people talk about higher education or taking in knowledge to better themselves. But, here is the conundrum, What is it that ever Dub looks forward to at the annual District Conventions? Why new Books. If there is a DC and the only release is a brochure or tract, the Dubs are pissed.

    As always a scripture they use to hold people down and keep them enslaved, can also be used to expose their hypocrisy.

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    So true.


  • VM44

    From 1942....Books! Books! Books!

  • erynw
    As always a scripture they use to hold people down and keep them enslaved, can also be used to expose their hypocrisy.


  • uninformed

    The funny thing is about all the Society's books is that after a few years, they become apostate teachings.

    Much devotion to them is wearisome and worrysome.


  • DanTheMan

    I used to think they were so wise when they quoted that scripture. 'Ah, the world publishes so many books, but they don't know da troof.' LOL...what religious turd I was.

  • steve2
    As always a scripture they use to hold people down and keep them enslaved, can also be used to expose their hypocrisy.

    An astute observation! In fact, I'd say that the reason human rights are more valued in some countries than in others is rpecisely because of the encouragement that is given to free expression of ideas - most powerfully through new books. Citing that verse in Ecclesiastes is a morbidly convenient way of stifling free expression - and hence, keep everyone bound to outdated teachings of men.

  • WTWizard

    Not only they have more books at the Grand Boasting Sessions, but they are crap. The artwork is pure crap. The story is always along the same lines, and is crap. You read 'em one, you read 'em all. Hence, time spent reading those books is time wasted.

    The same cannot be said about worldly books. In order for them to make money, they have to create something worthwhile. Make a book that is of Watchtower quality, and you lose money. I have found that most worldly books are either entertaining, educational, or both. Some are a total waste of my time, but only because they do not interest me. But, I usually find the ones that are pertinent to what I am interested in, and read those. And a couple of big books based on objectivity are among those that I found highly worthwhile (and they are based on Ayn Rand, not the Watchtower Society).

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