Have you come to grips with your mortality? Do Jw's ever?

by AK - Jeff 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Maddie

    Most people have trouble in accepting death as the end of existence, so have various beliefs about an after-life. I know that I'm going to die so I accept my mortality, but I also have faith in the resurrection so does that mean I haven't accepted my mortality? Not sure I can answer that!


  • moomanchu
    I firmly believe my mom became a witness because she was told she would not grow old and die.

    Absolutely! Probably applies to 99% of JW's.

    Satan and JW's have one thing in common the promise that you will not die.

  • Highlander

    J-dubs love to die! They do it all the time at their blood altar.

    I agree with Monophonic. If there is a god, I'm going to kick his ass. If the j-dubs are right, then I'm still going to kick god's ass when the big A arrives.

  • GetOverIt

    I am slowly but surely getting there. I used to be extremely morbid and afraid of dying. As I studied the Bible more I kind of came to peace with the fact that it is unavoidable. I wish that I didn't have to die, but I know it's an eventuality.

  • ldrnomo

    I agree to everything that everybody said. Amen to all

    That sure is nice to be able to do

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    I am in process of dealing with my mortality at the present time. I have a lot of resentment for

    the WTBTS. I was taught that I will not grow old and die. I no longer have the strenght that

    I used to, my body is wearing down, and I know that I will die some day. ( I figure if I keep my

    health that I have about 15 years, but of course unforseen occurances can strike any minute. )

    As a faithful JW for decades, I did not live in the present, I lived in the future paradise. Witnesses today,

    still live in the future. They keeping reaching out for the "carrot" of paradise held out by the WTBTS.

    It is so sad to realize that I was lied to, and believed this crap for so long. I know that I will die,

    and I really have no desire to live on a paradise earth if it is run by JW elders.


  • poppers

    I am with those who say live your life now, for now is all we have. Thoughts about what awaits after death is just speculation. Look at what that speculation spawns: fear, suspicion of others whose beliefs differ than one's own, and ultimately violence. It is that fear that drives how one lives their life rather than what is actual and real in this very moment. Free of the mind's distorting influence, life is simply what it is and the peace of that recognition makes death nothing to fear.

  • jambon1

    Not got time to read many of the posts on this but here are my thoughts. I couldn't deal with my mortality as a JW because I knew that the religion was so wrong. I was living one big miserable lie. I was depressed, cowering away from leaving the org. But after a while I left. I then looked at my own mortality in a very different way. I can accept it now because I am determined to live each day in a free & happy way. I am not wasting time now. I can accept other peoples way of life. It feels great to have a wholsome view of life/society. I love my kids intensely & will no doubt yearn to see my grandchildren. If I can do that I will be very happy. I just don't want to die of a drawn out illness whilst being young. But I can accept living until I'm 90 & then dying. I can handle it.

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