boxing champion: Paulie Malignaggi......... Ex JW

by DaCheech 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DaCheech

    a couple of years ago when this guy was a younger we were friends. I am married with kids, but some witness friends of mine still attend his matches.

    he is fighting next saturday night, always a big talker and showman. My wife thinks his brother is cuter.

    all family was witnesses:

    single mom with paulie and berto, had an affair with a married elder. married elder left wife (ex wife died a couple of years after), his 2 children from previous (JW's) will not speak to him even after reinstatement.

    after mom married this ex-elder they had 2 other children................ quite a brady bunch.

    as far as I know Paulie is the only one that left the religion when moving to brooklyn to live with grandpa

  • Confucious

    Hey Da Cheech.

    It's Confucious.

    Been away for a while. Decided to pop back in.

    Me and you talked about Paulie before when he was just getting started.

    He took a pounding by Cotto, but looks like he's back on track.

    I couldn't believe he dismattled Ndo like that. That was pretty good.

    He looks a lot stronger now a days.


  • ninja

    its a dangerous place to can end up a real mess,no friends and brain damaged if you're not too not the boxing.....being a JW....he he

  • DaCheech

    the friends and I were talking about the cotto fight. seems like paulie faught pretty good, but the judges???

    I remeber you confucious, you told me he was bound to get the belt, prediction came true....

    if anyones got showtime, he's fighting in atlantic city, and it will be aired

  • Confucious

    I thought he would beat Cotto because Cotto looked like a skeleton at the weigh in.

    But Cotto just hits too damn hard to the body.

    But he's a horribly boring fighter.

    Boxing is starting to compete with MMA and you need exciting fighters.

    The ones that I think will drive boxing in the future is people like Paulie and maybe Paul "The Punisher" Williams.

    But what I think Paulie needs right now is a good rival.

    I think he should call out Cotto again.

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    I remember hearing about a champion mixed martial arts fighter who used to be a JW too.

    Just goes to show: for every experience the Society can produce for some famous worldly person who became a JW, an experience of the opposite can be found.

  • DaCheech

    that was sort of the point of the post!

    I don't think this guys experience will ever be told at the district convention.!!

    watchtower always gives a positive spin to their benefit.

    God forbid anything awful happens to this guy, and voila! why not to leave Jehovah's organization!

  • Confucious

    I know Da.

    When we were at the conventions, how many times did you hear stories about this person or that becoming Valedictorian - but then they turned down scholarships to Pioneer?

    I never met a organization that was so ashamed of success.

    I never met an organization where it was a badge of honor to be flat ass broke.


  • 4mylove

    Malignaggi has a nice style. Anyone catch the Cotto/Mosley fight?

    Another guy to watch is Kelly Pavlik, the Ghost nickname is fitting.


  • Confucious


    I'm not sold on the European fighters yet.

    I like Hatton, but like Calzaga and Pavlik an several others... I'm think the jury is still out on them.

    Your opinion 4my???

    Hatton toasted that Russian guy, (name slips me right now)... and I became a fan of him.

    And I know that Calzaga knocked out Taylor.

    But to me, I'm just not flying out to Las Vegas to see these guys.

    I like Paulie because he knows how to sell a fight. Mayweather is the same way.


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