Having spent last Friday evening with JW relatives, both husband and self have been a bit 'uncomfortable in our skins' today.
I don't know why they ask us. They treat us as if we weren't there and there is a definite atmosphere that hangs heavily and I believe they only ask us just so they can ignore us. They have done this every year for the last twenty years and we have plans to make this one our last. Infact, we only said yes again this year because of a 'complicated reason' that I can't go into here.
All relatives on my side are Elders and real fanatical types. There is a cousin with a son the same age as my sons and when they were all little boys they were great friends. It was horrible how this young JW ignored and would not speak to my sons. In fact it was very hurtful! The JW children kept away from our children. Sad really.
Now my two boys, nearly 16, are really great lads. They're good lads, great looking, very intelligent, happy boys. We're constantly fighting off the young ladies who absolutely love them and they are real gentlemen. They don't do anything that anyone in their right minds would consider as wrong and all their school friends parents love them! They're just really great boys so there is no reason they should have been ignored so horribly.
Turns out the young JW lad, was nursing a hang over from 'a few beers too many'! We heard this from his parents who seemed to think this was something to brag about! It just made me even crosser that they should treat my boys as garbage and just all ignore them!
End of rant!
Next year, December 1st we have an 8ft Christmas tree planned for our front bay! Any JW that dares darken our door step is likely to get it where the sun don't shine!
End of rant and thanks for listening!!