Blood Transfusions - Eating blood???

by Aphrodite 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Aphrodite

    I don't understand how the WT links blood transfusion and eating blood? from their website, it is obvious that they can gain the conclusion from the bible that EATING blood is wrong.

    But from Leviticus 17:1-16 10 “‘As for any man of the house of Israel or some alien resident who is residing as an alien in YOUR midst who eats any sort of blood, I shall certainly set my face against the soul that is eating the blood, and I shall indeed cut him off from among his people. 11 For the soul of the flesh is in the blood, and I myself have put it upon the altar for YOU to make atonement for YOUR souls, because it is the blood that makes atonement by the soul [in it]. 12 That is why I have said to the sons of Israel: “No soul of YOU must eat blood and no alien resident who is residing as an alien in YOUR midst should eat blood.”

    I don't see how they can turn around and say that blood should not be used for its propper use which is to flow through your veins and sustain your life. It even says: "For the life of the flesh is in the blood." So surely its ok to use blood for its propper and natural use. Its not natural to eat it, but it is natural to have it running through your veins?

  • momzcrazy

    Hi Aphrodite,

    you may find this site useful. It's possible you've seen it before, but I found it to be very informative.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    If a blood transfusion was equivalent to eating blood, why don't doctors give starving people blood transfusions?


    A few months ago I wrote a challenging post on the issue of blood on this Jehovahs Witness Discussion Forum. I learnt that the Watchtower changed its position on blood transfusion in 2004 AD. They allow for blood transfusion ? I am not sure fully as I may have not caught all aspects of that change . But I read a comment that a change came so late.

    But whatever the Watchtower did the blood issue is a very complex one . One of the most difficult to solve as most points I can make are in favor of not allowing blood transfusions.

    Your point is interesting but it has flaws .

    Note that in the ancient times the plagues of hunger were common and the blood of animals poured or drained to the ground could have been used to make food products .In Poland I used to eat "kaszanka " which looks like sausage and the blood is used to make it .It was one of the best foods to satisfy hunger. So most likely thousands upon thousands more people could have been spared death in those ancient times than now doctors can save with blood transfusion !

  • SirNose586

    When you come from a time when bone marrow transplants and other organ transplants were considered cannibalism...the leap from that to "blood transfusion = eating blood" is only a short hop away.

    And every time I hear that lame "alcohol straight into the veins" argument from a dub, it makes me want to choke them out, and also the GB for propagating this crap.

  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    "if a doctor told you that you were drinking too much would you go home and inject it into your viens - NO ! " - JW argument - werent you there didnt you hear this ?

  • SirNose586
    "if a doctor told you that you were drinking too much would you go home and inject it into your viens - NO ! " - JW argument - werent you there didnt you hear this ?

    I've heard it one too many damn times, my friend.

    It's pretty easy to destroy, too: "Well, when you put alcohol in your veins, you still consume it. It's still digested and the effect reaches your brain. Eventually, it leaves your bloodstream, which is why at some point after having a drink, you'll have a BAC level of nothing. Transfusions however, remain in your veins. It enters your body as blood, and continues to be used as blood. You do not consume blood when it's put in your veins. If blood in the veins could be consumed as a food source, persons who starve to death would also be leave a disturbingly withered corpse behind, due to the body cannibalising it's own blood. But that clearly doesn't happen. Also, answer me this: if blood were consumed when it enters your veins, then why is it okay for Jews to have transfusions? They are under strict Kosher laws prohibiting consumption of blood, yet they know the difference between using blood as a liquid tissue transplant and consuming it. They also know that SAVING LIFE is far more important than leaving a 'blameless' corpse behind."

    Another thought: "If Jehober is a perfect and all-wise god, why would he choose to resurrect a body over keeping it alive? Look at the laws of the universe around you. Everything happens in the most efficient manner possible--water runs downstream in the most efficient path, electricity chooses the path of least resistance, etc. How is doing more work in making a cloned body the most efficient solution possible? Don't god's creations reflect his behavior? Furthermore, how does letting someone die needlessly show respect for life? Isn't a 'live dog better than a dead lion?' Why does the Society insist on having 'dead lions?'

  • Aphrodite

    Thankyou SirNose very helpfull. Another thing, if this is so important to god, why did he make ticks, mosquitos and leaches plus intestnal worms and various other creatures that eat blood? Isn't the blood sacred?

  • searcher

    If having a blood transfusion is eating blood then smoking a cigarette is eating the tobacco plant.

    The bible gives permission to eat plants.

  • Exterminator

    My goodness. After all the energy Jesus spent kicking Pharisaic asses, do we still have this sort of debate?

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