JW going to prestigious university

by ivanatahan 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • ivanatahan

    I've been debating this, and my mother (the spiritual head of my family, she even controls my father spiritually, who is an elder) doesn't seem to be starkly against me going to a prestigious university. In fact, I've been going over my chances, and I'd say I have a pretty decent chance of going to my dream university, Oxford University, to study Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. Naturally I wouldn't tell my mother about me wanting to take the three most hated subjects of JWs at a university that would bring me into bad relations with "spiritually sound JWs".

    Do you guys know any ex-JW or knowledgeable JW who knows TTATT that went to a Randall Group or Ivy League school? It's interesting to know.

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  • scotsman

    You mean a Russell Group Uni? I did. I was made an elder and started at Edinburgh Uni in the same month, 8 months later I'd resigned as an elder and quit meetings.

    I'd highly recommend it.

  • ivanatahan

    "You mean a Russell Group Uni? I did. I was made an elder and started at Edinburgh Uni in the same month, 8 months later I'd resigned as an elder and quit meetings.

    I'd highly recommend it."

    Yes, I meant Russell Group. For some reason I wrote Randall, didn't even notice it.

  • zeb
    Oxford.. wow. The hub of the English language. Go with my blessing.
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  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Are you Ivan or Ivana? Anyway, If at all possible, do not miss out on studying at Oxford University! It will give you the confidence to excel at what you do best. It will also give a greatly enlarged income potential. You will find friends there and good company who will stay with you throughout your life.

    My other half studied philosophy at Oxford before going into law and a few years back she was invited to Buckingham Palace with the likes of David Attenborough as one of four hundred people who are the leading lights in their professions in Britain.

    I live not far away from the glorious city of Oxford and have taken degree courses there as a mature student. I found studying there a total delight. Whatever happens in my own life, I feel that having escaped JW indoctrination and having had a good taste of the discipline and benefits of serious study, it has given me a solid platform on which to assess information. To see how the world really works is something denied to JWs who are destined to rely on magic thinking. I think of JWs as people stumbling in a hall of mirrors in a fog, sustained only by a fruitless hope... It’s a tragedy for them. You though, have a great opportunity ahead of you and I truly wish you the very best in it.

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  • ivanatahan
    "Are you Ivan or Ivana? Anyway, If at all possible, do not miss out on studying at Oxford University! It will give you the confidence to excel at what you do best. It will also give a greatly enlarged income potential. You will find friends there and good company who will stay with you throughout your life.

    My other half studied philosophy at Oxford before going into law and a few years back she was invited to Buckingham Palace with the likes of David Attenborough as one of four hundred people who are the leading lights in their professions in Britain.

    I live not far away from the glorious city of Oxford and have taken degree courses there as a mature student. I found studying there a total delight. Whatever happens in my own life, I feel that having escaped JW indoctrination and having had a good taste of the discipline and benefits of serious study, it has given me a solid platform on which to assess information. To see how the world really works is something denied to JWs who are destined to rely on magic thinking. I think of JWs as people stumbling in a hall of mirrors in a fog, sustained only by a fruitless hope... It’s a tragedy for them. You though, have a great opportunity ahead of you and I truly wish you the very best in it."

    Thank you for your generous reply! I really found it comforting and it touched my heart! I'm glad you and your mate were able to experience the benefits of Oxford, it must be quite the change from the fake life JWs live and hope to live. There's nothing in the world that could cease my dream of going to Oxford. Trust me, I've looked.

    Also, the name's Ivan.

  • little_Socrates
    Why doesn't the watchtower just open their own university? Every reputable religions has already done so. This way they still have a chance at keeping those youngsters that wanna go, AND they can make tons of money in the process.
  • bemused

    Do everything you can to get in. Whilst going to a prestigious university like Oxford doesn't guarantee success, it's a hell of a good start.

    JW parents take an interest in their children just like parents everywhere. I suspect your mother is proud of you deep down, despite the GB's rhetoric. If you're concerned about the subjects, perhaps you can just say that PPE is a popular course (which it is) covering a range of topics.

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  • LoveUniHateExams

    Hi Ivan.

    I'm currently in my final year at uni, although not at Oxbridge/Russell group uni.

    My uni's way down the list

    Deciding to go to uni is the best decision I've made in my life to date.

    I think it's fantastic that you have a chance of going up to Oxford!

    My advice, FWIW, is go and enjoy your studies. While there's nothing wrong with parties/social events, make your lectures, coursework, essays and exams your main priority.

    Just one question, why PPE? Are you thinking of going into politics?

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  • Oubliette

    LS: Why doesn't the watchtower just open their own university?

    Because they don't have any qualified people to run one.

    How likely is it WTBTS Leadership:

    • Would be able to get JWs with PhDs in all core curriculum subjects? (Humanities, Math, Sciences, etc).
    • Would pay them a competitive salary with full benefits? ($90,000 - 150,000/yr. plus full medical coverage)

    The WTBTS model is to get volunteers to work for free, or for the minimum: Food and shelter. That's it.

    It'll never happen.



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