Finally got asked "THE Question"

by TweetieBird 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • TweetieBird

    I don't post too often here but have been coming here for a few years now. I have been successfully fading for the past 10 years (so I thought) but went to visit JW family members last week and the matriarch of the family asked us if we still believed it was Jehovah's organization. After avoiding a direct answer and trying to skirt the issue for a while, finally the hubby said, "NO, we don't believe it's Jehovah's organization".

    She said that she would inform the family that we were no longer Jehovah's Witnesses. Fortunately, she had to leave for field service and we left for home. Found out later that she did call everyone in the family and told them about it and that future association with us was over. So I guess we have been disfellowshipped from the family.

    I had been trying to avoid that day for so long but there's something freeing about not having to pretend anymore.

    Happy New Year!

  • ex-nj-jw

    Congrats and Happy New Year to you!


  • aquagirl

    sorry,i know its hard...but itll be better everyday,really!..that partialy living a lie thing sucks,i did it for years..someone asked me that question recently and i sorta raised one eyebrow and looked at them and said"are you serious"?it felt like someone asking me if i believed in santa...keep on checking in here.this forum has been a cool place to get strength and a few laughs for me..its "a godsend"..hahhhahhah

  • Elsewhere

    See... they are NOT a cult and are totally normal.

  • blondie

    So JCs are made up of one sister now? I would just not answer myself and say that it is a rude question and they don't have the scriptural authority. But you do what is best for you. My family shunned me when I was a "good" jws married to a fine elder and getting in 10 hours/mo in the ministry. Sorry to hear about the change. Where's the love?

  • TweetieBird

    I'm really okay with it, now I won't have to listen to all of her field service experiences, explain why we didn't make it to the district convention, etc. Fortunately, none of my kids embraced "the truth" so I don't have to worry about losing my kids to the cult for which I am truly grateful. Moving away from there was the best thing we ever did. It would be more difficult if we still lived there and had to run into family all of the time. Most of my lifelong JW friends were not really true friends so that's not a loss either.

    I learned a long time ago that love from JW's is conditional, as long as you are attending every meeting and going in field service, you are loved. Stop and it's all over.

  • mentalclearness

    I guess the criteria in each family is different. I told my family I didn't believe the witnesses were God's organization and yet they still talk to one has informed on me it sounds like you have on your hands a real fanatical family member....

  • Satanus

    'matriarch of the family'

    Heh, did she have a doiley on her head, when she said that? If not, then she stands to be reproved for stepping out of her subordinate position in god's org. Apostle paul would not be amused.


  • TweetieBird
    TweetieBird have no idea! They are so indoctrinated that they can't even take a crap without consulting the governing body to see if they are sitting on the toilet the proper way.

    satanus...if she could be an elder, she would.

  • tula

    You did good.

    You should not have to sacrifice TRUTH for unity.

    Standing up for your truth is what this journey is all about.

    And maybe we don't always know what the truth is, but sometimes we get closer by the process of elimination....

    by knowing what truth IS NOT

    Everyone has to move at their own speed.

    And also, even if family has Df'd you.... your move may give another family member the courage to DOUBT and to SEEK later down the road.

    YOU are the MOVER and SHAKER!

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