I remember when 911 happened on the world trade center, a lot of people that were inactive or disfellowshipped starting showing up at the kingdom hall. There was a lot of gossip about how a few people were confessing to the elders about sins committed inthe past. It seems as though people were thinking it was armageddon time. It is really a scary thing when you think about it.
by LadyCCC 10 Replies latest jw friends
"confessing to the elders " -- this always gets me! and they talk about the Catholics! what is the point of confessing anything to the elders other than to get put on reproof or df'd?
I remember when I was 14 the US declared war on Iraq. I would cry myself to sleep at night, afraid that the Great Tribulation was starting. It is sad that the WTS has children so scared that it is hard for them to sleep. Children should be the last ones to worry about what tomorrow will bring. Part of the joy of being a child is being carefree.
After 9/11, I was still attending meetings. I do remember making the comment to a friend that I was glad that my husband (now ex) and I had gone to the elders about things we had done before we got married. I didnt want Armegeddon to come w/o me being forgiven for my gross sins. Oh how naive I was...hee hee.
I gather that you are referring to American JW's. People in some parts of the world deal with terrorism and other horrors every day. American JW's were shaken because this tragedy happened on their soil. Most of them are probably re-addicted to their comfy lifestyle now and are again apathetic about the realities of life in places where people don't have it so good.
Sandra C.........Yes , life goes on here, same as before 911. Apathy, all that stuff. No bombs since then , Bush has it all under control here. (CHoKE)
Are you or were you ever a Jehovah Jumpbug? Before I left the Jumpers in 74 the elders never heard confessions. They on rare occasions did meet in the back room (library), it was NOT for confessions. Is this some new sheet they started after I left?
Did that seem like I was venting? I'm not, just thought I would end 2007 will a little bang.
Watch out! Ten and a half hours to go.
Being a witness is a very depressing negative experience. Your always waitning for the other shoe to drop.
Most dedicated slaves to the WBTS believe ARMIE(short for armageddon) is just around the corner.Why,because the faithful slave told them.So when things like 911 happen they say see the fds is right.Remember Dec26/2004 earthquake and flood in Indonesia.Yeah ARMIE is here.Santa Claus farted, here comes ARMIE,here comes ARMIE,you better be good or elder elf will DF you.
911 had the opposite effect on me. I still believed what the jw taught, but I no longer wanted anything to do with a god who would bring that kind of destruction on an even greater scale as mankind's best solution....
True Witnesses and other born again Christians should be salivating at the prospect of a new world, but it seems to not be the case. If there is a better place, then why be afraid of it? Are you afraid of the promised land? I personally have made peace with the end of my existence, but others appear to have not. What do others think?