Plutarch's Lives; found a cheap used unabridged one on EBay.
What book are you reading right now?
by Wordly Andre 105 Replies latest jw friends
Danielle Steele's new book..................very fluffy, but entertaining. "Amazing Grace" is the title.
Debt of Honor-Tom Clancy
Isaac -
I'm reading "God Is Not Great"
zach, is that the Christopher Hitchens book? What do you think, is it a good read? It has been on my list for awhile (actually my list).
"Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follet. I am loving it and already bought the companion/sequel "World Without End" I am loving the first book so much I bought the second, NEW, And Hardcover!! I NEVER do that, I am too cheap-I did get it from Costco, though:)
The Pillars if the Earth - Ken Follet
You guys: I'm am so priviledged to be among you: people that read good books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been an avid reader all my life but never found a witness I could talk "books" with (other than my daughter).
I have read many of the books you guys mentioned and have others on my "must read list"
Restrangled: A Thousand Splendid Sons will rip your guts out! I am going to see The Kite Runner (the movie) this afternoon.
Happy reading all!!!!!!
God is not great. How Religion Poisons everything, by Christopher Hitchens
The World Without Us, by Alan Weisman.
Changling, The Pillars of the Earth has been my favourite historical fiction novel for years now! (Im biassed being a stonemason though) I hope you enjoy it.
God is not Great - How Religion Poisons Everything by Christopher Hitchens