So I want my life back.................

by oompa 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    Oh yeah, how stupid...........I never had a life.......................oompa

  • What-A-Coincidence

    create one!

  • eclipse

    It's all in your hands. Think of yourself as the master of your own destiny, and you are the only one holding the wheel.

    If you want your life back, then grab it, and make it how you want it. No one controls you unless you let them.

  • 5go
    Oh yeah, how stupid...........I never had a life.......................oompa

    Oompa get tested for ESP! I was going to say what lives did us exjws have to lose.

  • VoidEater

    We can take what tomorrow offers

    Or let it take us

  • oompa

    I should have added at the start that sweetstuff keeps telling me she can start my life over..............oompa

  • flipper

    Oompa- My dear friend. You do have a life. A very valuable life. But like Eclipse said, " You are the master over it". You have to decide what you want to do with it. We can't just live our lives for others , or it will eat us up emotionally inside in time. We have responsibilities- but so do our loved ones. Our wives, our children, our witness relatives, non-witness relatives, even the milkman has a responsibility ( to stay away from our wife)LOL! But seriously- in getting our freedom from a mind controlled cult , it takes courage , and conviction of purpose to do it.

    I have one son who loves me, I see him a lot, I have 2 daughters who love me also but are in the witness cult who act like I don't exist. It hurts, but I'm not going to sacrifice my love of justice , or right or wrong by pleasing them and going back to the witnesses, for what ? Just to please them ? It wouldn't last, because I don't believe the witnesses lies. So- that is what you have to ask yourself - what do you really believe ? Only you can answer it within yourself, no one else. Please know I care for you as a friend as do lots of others here . If you ever want to talk- you have my number. Peace bro, Mr. Flipper

  • Abandoned

    Dude, as long as you are alive, it's never too late. You may have major obstacles, as I have now, but living the life you dream of isn't out of reach. Remember, even small steps will eventually bring someone to their goals. It may take longer, but they'll still arrive. So on the days you are up to it, take giant leaps toward the life you want and on the days you aren't so motivated, do one small thing that brings you closer.

  • tula


  • oompa

    Tula, you little beemiester. what have you been up to since I last made you scream oh George Cluny!!

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